Window > Open Perspective > Other... > Java
to change to the Java perspective.
File > New > Other... > Java Project
to open the New Java Project wizard.
Type "Product" in the Project name field. Click Next.
On the next page, Type "Product/deliverables" in Default output folder field.
Select "Product" source folder.
Click Link additional source link in Details pane or button in view bar.
In Link Source click Browse.... and choose the
Click Finish to validate and close the dialog.
Again, Select "Product" and click Link additional source link in Details pane or button in view bar.
In Link Source click Browse.... and choose the
Expand the "Product/deliverables" source folder. Select the "libraries" package
and exclude it from build path using either Exclude 'libraries' from build path link
or Exclude popup-menu item.
Your project source setup now looks as follows:
Select Libraries tab.
Click on Add JARs....
Expand "Product" hierarchy to select jar files in "libraries" directory
Click OK.
Click Finish to finalize project creation.
You now have a Java project with a "sources" folder and an output folder which contains nested library resources.