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Interface IModelingAssistantProvider

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
ModelingAssistantProvider, ModelingAssistantService

public interface IModelingAssistantProvider
extends IProvider

The interface for providers of the modeling assistant service.

Method Summary
 java.util.List getRelTypesForSREOnSource ( IAdaptable source)
          Returns a list of relationship types to appear in the popup that the user can select from when showing related elements by double-clicking an outgoing connector handle.
 java.util.List getRelTypesForSREOnTarget ( IAdaptable target)
          Returns a list of relationship types to appear in the popup that the user can select from when showing related elements by double-clicking an incoming connector handle.
 java.util.List getRelTypesOnSource ( IAdaptable source)
          Returns a list of relationship types that could appear in EITHER the popup that appears when creating a connection from source to target or the popup that appears when creating a connection from source to an unspecified target.
 java.util.List getRelTypesOnSourceAndTarget ( IAdaptable source, IAdaptable target)
          Returns a list of relationship types to appear in the popup that the user can select from when creating a relationship from a source element to a target element.
 java.util.List getRelTypesOnTarget ( IAdaptable target)
          Returns a list of relationship types that could appear in EITHER the popup that appears when creating a connection from target to source or the popup that appears when creating a connection from target to an unspecified source.
 java.util.List getTypes (java.lang.String hint, IAdaptable data)
          Gets a list of types to be used in the popup menu when performing some UI gesture identified by the hint.
 java.util.List getTypesForPopupBar ( IAdaptable host)
          Gets a list of types to be used in the popup bar to support creating an shape or element within the context of another.
 java.util.List getTypesForSource ( IAdaptable target, IElementType relationshipType)
          Returns a list of element types to appear in the popup when creating a relationship from a target element to an unspecified source from which the user can select the source type.
 java.util.List getTypesForTarget ( IAdaptable source, IElementType relationshipType)
          Returns a list of element types to appear in the popup when creating a relationship from a source element to an unspecified target from which the user can select the target type.
 org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject selectExistingElementForSource ( IAdaptable target, IElementType relationshipType)
          Pops up a dialog that allows the user to select an existing element that is to be used as the source in a new relationship being created.
 org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject selectExistingElementForTarget ( IAdaptable source, IElementType relationshipType)
          Pops up a dialog that allows the user to select an existing element that is to be used as the target in a new relationship being created.
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.common.core.service. IProvider
addProviderChangeListener, provides, removeProviderChangeListener

Method Detail


java.util.List getTypes(java.lang.String hint,
IAdaptable data)
Gets a list of types to be used in the popup menu when performing some UI gesture identified by the hint.

hint - identifies the hint or gesture
data -
  • provides additional data that is required
  • may be null depending on the hint
  • Returns:
    a list of element types (IElementType)


    java.util.List getRelTypesOnSource(
    IAdaptable source)
    Returns a list of relationship types that could appear in EITHER the popup that appears when creating a connection from source to target or the popup that appears when creating a connection from source to an unspecified target.

    source - the source: adapts to editpart, view, element, etc.
    a list of relationship types (IElementType)


    java.util.List getRelTypesOnTarget(
    IAdaptable target)
    Returns a list of relationship types that could appear in EITHER the popup that appears when creating a connection from target to source or the popup that appears when creating a connection from target to an unspecified source.

    target - the target: adapts to editpart, view, element, etc.
    a list of relationship types (IElementType)


    java.util.List getRelTypesOnSourceAndTarget(
    IAdaptable source,
    IAdaptable target)
    Returns a list of relationship types to appear in the popup that the user can select from when creating a relationship from a source element to a target element.

    source - the source: adapts to editpart, view, element, etc.
    target - the target: adapts to editpart, view, element, etc.
    a list of relationship types (IElementType)


    java.util.List getRelTypesForSREOnSource(
    IAdaptable source)
    Returns a list of relationship types to appear in the popup that the user can select from when showing related elements by double-clicking an outgoing connector handle.

    source - the source: adapts to editpart, view, element, etc.
    a list of relationship types (IElementType)


    java.util.List getRelTypesForSREOnTarget(
    IAdaptable target)
    Returns a list of relationship types to appear in the popup that the user can select from when showing related elements by double-clicking an incoming connector handle.

    target - the target: adapts to editpart, view, element, etc.
    a list of relationship types (IElementType objects)


    java.util.List getTypesForSource(
    IAdaptable target,
    IElementType relationshipType)
    Returns a list of element types to appear in the popup when creating a relationship from a target element to an unspecified source from which the user can select the source type.

    target - the target: adapts to editpart, view, element, etc.
    relationshipType - the relationship type to be created
    a list of types for the new source (IElementType objects)


    java.util.List getTypesForTarget(
    IAdaptable source,
    IElementType relationshipType)
    Returns a list of element types to appear in the popup when creating a relationship from a source element to an unspecified target from which the user can select the target type.

    source - the source: adapts to editpart, view, element, etc.
    relationshipType - the relationship type to be created
    a list of types for the new target (IElementType objects)


    org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject selectExistingElementForSource(
    IAdaptable target,
    IElementType relationshipType)
    Pops up a dialog that allows the user to select an existing element that is to be used as the source in a new relationship being created.

    target - the target: adapts to editpart, view, element, etc.
    relationshipType - the relationship type to be created
    Returns the EObject the user selected, or null if an error occurred or the gesture was cancelled.


    org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject selectExistingElementForTarget(
    IAdaptable source,
    IElementType relationshipType)
    Pops up a dialog that allows the user to select an existing element that is to be used as the target in a new relationship being created.

    source - the source: adapts to editpart, view, element, etc.
    relationshipType - the relationship type to be created
    Returns the IElement the user selected, or null if an error occurred or the gesture was cancelled.


    java.util.List getTypesForPopupBar(
    IAdaptable host)
    Gets a list of types to be used in the popup bar to support creating an shape or element within the context of another.

    host - the host on which the popup bar will be displayed: adapts to editpart, view, element, etc.
    a list of element types (IElementType)


    Guidelines for using Eclipse APIs.

    Copyright (c) IBM Corp., Borland Software Corp., and others 2005,2006. All rights reserved.

      Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire