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Interface RenderInfo

public interface RenderInfo

Method Summary
  RGB getBackgroundColor ()
          Accessor method to return the fill color of the rendered image.
  RGB getForegroundColor ()
          Accessor method to return the outline color of the rendered image.
 int getHeight ()
          Accessor method to return the height of the rendered image.
 int getWidth ()
          Accessor method to return the width of the rendered image.
 void setValues (int width, int height, boolean maintainAspectRatio, boolean antialias, RGB background, RGB foreground)
          Generic setter to set values in the RenderInfo data structure.
 boolean shouldAntiAlias ()
          Accessor method to return whether or not the vector data is anti-aliased.
 boolean shouldMaintainAspectRatio ()
          Accessor method to return whether or not the aspect ratio is maintained.

Method Detail


int getWidth()
Accessor method to return the width of the rendered image.

the width of the rendered image.


int getHeight()
Accessor method to return the height of the rendered image.

the height of the rendered image.


RGB getBackgroundColor()
Accessor method to return the fill color of the rendered image.

RGB value that is the fill color of the rendered image. Note: a null return value is valid and means that the fill color defaults to the values stored in the vector graphics file.


RGB getForegroundColor()
Accessor method to return the outline color of the rendered image.

RGB value that is the outline color of the rendered image. Note: a null return value is valid and means that the outline color defaults to the values stored in the vector graphics file.


boolean shouldMaintainAspectRatio()
Accessor method to return whether or not the aspect ratio is maintained.

boolean true if aspect ratio of original vector file is maintained, false otherwise.


boolean shouldAntiAlias()
Accessor method to return whether or not the vector data is anti-aliased.

boolean true if vector graphic is to be rendered wih anti-aliasing, false otherwise.


void setValues(int width,
               int height,
               boolean maintainAspectRatio,
               boolean antialias,
RGB background,
RGB foreground)
Generic setter to set values in the RenderInfo data structure. This is useful when retrieving a RenderInfo structure from a RenderedImage object and then wishing to re-render the image with new values.

width - the width of the rendered image to set
height - the height of the rendered image to set
maintainAspectRatio - boolean true if aspect ratio of original vector file is maintained, false otherwise
antialias - boolean true if vector graphic is to be rendered wih anti-aliasing, false otherwise.
background - Color fill color for the whole image: null value defaults to stored values for each element in the vector file.
outline - Color outline color for the whole image: null value defaults to stored foreground for each element in the vector file.


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  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire