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Eclipse GEF

Class PaletteCustomizerDialog

  extended by

      extended by

          extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
EntryPageContainer, IShellProvider

public class PaletteCustomizerDialog
extends Dialog
implements EntryPageContainer

This class implements a default dialog that allows customization of the different entries/items on a GEF palette, i.e. the model behind the palette.

The construction of the dialog is broken down into different methods in order to allow clients to further customize the appearance of the dialog, if so desired.

This dialog can be re-used, i.e., it can be re-opened once closed. There is no need to create a new PaletteCustomizerDialog everytime a palette needs to be customized.

See Also:
PaletteEntry, PaletteCustomizer

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes inherited from class org.eclipse.jface.window. Window
Field Summary
protected static int APPLY_ID
          The unique ID for the Apply Button.
protected static int CLIENT_ID
          Sub-classes that need to create their own unique IDs should do so by adding to this ID.
Fields inherited from class org.eclipse.jface.dialogs. Dialog
Fields inherited from class org.eclipse.jface.window. Window
Constructor Summary
PaletteCustomizerDialog (Shell shell, PaletteCustomizer customizer, PaletteRoot root)
          Constructs a new customizer dialog.
Method Summary
protected  void buttonPressed (int buttonId)
          This method will be invoked whenever any Button created using createButton(Composite, int, String, int, ImageDescriptor) or Dialog#createButton(Composite, int, String, boolean) is selected.
 void clearProblem ()
          This method should be invoked by EntryPages when an error that they had earlier reported (using showProblem(String)) is fixed.
 boolean close ()
           NOTE: This dialog can be re-opened.
protected  void configureShell (Shell newShell)
protected  Button createButton (Composite parent, int id, java.lang.String label, int stylebits, ImageDescriptor descriptor)
          This method should not be used to create buttons for the button bar.
protected  void createButtonsForButtonBar (Composite parent)
          Creates the OK, Cancel and Apply buttons
protected  Control createDialogArea (Composite parent)
          The dialog area contains the following: Outline ( createOutline(Composite)) Properties Panel ( createPropertiesPanel(Composite)) It is recommended that this method not be overridden.
protected  Control createOutline (Composite container)
          Creates the outline part of the dialog.
protected  java.util.List createOutlineActions ()
          Creates the actions that manipulate the palette model.
protected  Menu createOutlineContextMenu ()
          Uses a MenuManager to create the context menu for the outline.
protected  Control createOutlineToolBar (Composite parent)
          Uses a ToolBarManager to create the ToolBar in the outline part of the dialog.
protected   TreeViewer createOutlineTreeViewer (Composite composite)
          Creates the TreeViewer that is the outline of the model.
protected  Control createPropertiesPanel (Composite container)
          Creates the part of the dialog where the properties of the element selected in the outline will be displayed.
protected   PageBook createPropertiesPanelTitle (Composite parent)
          Creates the title for the properties panel.
protected  CLabel createSectionTitle (Composite composite, java.lang.String text)
          A convenient method to create CLabel titles (like the ones used in the Preferences dialog in the Eclipse workbench) throughout the dialog.
protected  Button getButton (int id)
          Returns the Button with the given id; or null if none was found.
protected   PaletteCustomizer getCustomizer ()
protected   EntryPage getEntryPage ( PaletteEntry entry)
          Returns the EntryPage for the given PaletteEntry.
protected  java.util.List getOutlineActions ()
          Provides access to the actions that are used to manipulate the model.
protected   PaletteRoot getPaletteRoot ()
          Provides sub-classes with access to the PaletteRoot
protected   PaletteEntry getSelectedPaletteEntry ()
protected  TreeItem getSelectedTreeItem ()
protected  Widget getWidget (int id)
          The Widgets that were created with a unique ID and added to this class' internal map can be retrieved through this method.
protected  void handleApplyPressed ()
          This method is invoked when the Apply button is pressed IMPORTANT: It is recommended that you not override this method.
protected  void handleDelete ()
          This method is called when the "Delete" action is run (either through the context menu or the toolbar).
protected  void handleMoveDown ()
          This method is called when the "Move Down" action is run (either through the context menu or the toolbar).
protected  void handleMoveUp ()
          This method is called when the "Move Up" action is run (either through the context menu or the toolbar).
protected  void handleOutlineSelectionChanged ()
          This is the method that is called everytime the selection in the outline (treeviewer) changes.
protected  void revertToSaved ()
          This method is invoked when the changes made since the last save need to be cancelled.
protected  void save ()
          This method is invoked when the changes made since the last save need to be saved.
protected  void setActiveEntry ( PaletteEntry entry)
          This methods sets the active entry.
protected  void setActiveEntryPage ( EntryPage page)
          Sets the given EntryPage as the top page in the PageBook that shows the properties of the item selected in the Outline.
 void setDefaultSelection ( PaletteEntry entry)
          Sets the given PaletteEntry as the one to be selected when the dialog opens.
 void showProblem (java.lang.String error)
          This method should be invoked by EntryPages when there is an error.
protected  void updateActions ()
          Updates the actions created in createOutlineActions(), enabling or disabling them as necessary.
Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.jface.dialogs. Dialog
applyDialogFont, cancelPressed, convertHeightInCharsToPixels, convertHeightInCharsToPixels, convertHorizontalDLUsToPixels, convertHorizontalDLUsToPixels, convertVerticalDLUsToPixels, convertVerticalDLUsToPixels, convertWidthInCharsToPixels, convertWidthInCharsToPixels, create, createButton, createButtonBar, createButtonsForButtonBar, createContents, createDialogArea, dialogFontIsDefault, getBlockedHandler, getButtonBar, getCancelButton, getDialogArea, getDialogBoundsSettings, getDialogBoundsStrategy, getImage, getInitialLocation, getInitialSize, getOKButton, initializeBounds, initializeDialogUnits, isResizable, okPressed, setBlockedHandler, setButtonLayoutData, setButtonLayoutFormData, shortenText
Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.jface.window. Window
canHandleShellCloseEvent, configureShell, constrainShellSize, createShell, getConstrainedShellBounds, getContents, getDefaultImage, getDefaultImages, getDefaultOrientation, getLayout, getParentShell, getReturnCode, getShell, getShellListener, getShellStyle, getWindowManager, handleFontChange, handleShellCloseEvent, open, setBlockOnOpen, setDefaultImage, setDefaultImages, setDefaultModalParent, setDefaultOrientation, setExceptionHandler, setParentShell, setReturnCode, setShellStyle, setWindowManager
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected static final int APPLY_ID
The unique ID for the Apply Button. It can be used to retrieve that widget from the internal map (using getWidget(int) or getButton(int)), or to identify that widget in buttonPressed(int).

See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected static final int CLIENT_ID
Sub-classes that need to create their own unique IDs should do so by adding to this ID.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public PaletteCustomizerDialog(Shell shell,
PaletteCustomizer customizer,
PaletteRoot root)
Constructs a new customizer dialog.

shell - the parent Shell
customizer - the customizer
root - the palette root
Method Detail


protected void buttonPressed(int buttonId)
This method will be invoked whenever any Button created using createButton(Composite, int, String, int, ImageDescriptor) or Dialog#createButton(Composite, int, String, boolean) is selected.

See Also:


public void clearProblem()
This method should be invoked by EntryPages when an error that they had earlier reported (using showProblem(String)) is fixed. This will hide the error message, enable the OK and Apply buttons and re-allow changing selection in the outline tree.

Specified by:
clearProblem in interface EntryPageContainer
See Also:
EntryPageContainer.clearProblem(), showProblem(String)


public boolean close()

NOTE: This dialog can be re-opened.

See Also:


protected void configureShell(Shell newShell)
See Also:


protected Button createButton(Composite parent,
                              int id,
                              java.lang.String label,
                              int stylebits,
ImageDescriptor descriptor)
This method should not be used to create buttons for the button bar. Use Dialog#createButton(Composite, int, String, boolean) for that. This method can be used to create any other button in the dialog. The parent Composite must have a GridLayout. These buttons will be available through getButton(int) and getWidget(int). Ensure that the various buttons created by this method are given unique IDs. Pass in a null image descriptor if you don't want the button to have an icon. This method will take care of disposing the images that it creates. buttonPressed(int) will be called when any of the buttons created by this method are clicked (selected).

parent - The composite in which the button is to be created
id - The button's unique ID
label - The button's text
stylebits - The style bits for creating the button (eg., SWT.PUSH or SWT.CHECK)
descriptor - The ImageDescriptor from which the image/icon for this button should be created
The newly created button for convenience


protected void createButtonsForButtonBar(Composite parent)
Creates the OK, Cancel and Apply buttons

See Also:


protected Control createDialogArea(Composite parent)
The dialog area contains the following:

It is recommended that this method not be overridden. Override one of the methods that this method calls in order to customize the appearance of the dialog.

See Also:


protected Control createOutline(Composite container)
Creates the outline part of the dialog.

The outline creates the following:

container - The Composite within which the outline has to be created
The newly created Control that has the outline


protected java.util.List createOutlineActions()
Creates the actions that manipulate the palette model. These actions will populate the toolbar and the outline's context menu.

IMPORTANT: All the elements in the returned List MUST be PaletteCustomizationActions.

A List of PaletteCustomizationActions


protected Menu createOutlineContextMenu()
Uses a MenuManager to create the context menu for the outline. The IActions used to create the context menu are those created in createOutlineActions().

The newly created Menu


protected Control createOutlineToolBar(Composite parent)
Uses a ToolBarManager to create the ToolBar in the outline part of the dialog. The Actions used in the ToolBarManager are those that are created in createOutlineActions().

parent - The Composite to which the ToolBar is to be added
The newly created ToolBar


TreeViewer createOutlineTreeViewer(Composite composite)
Creates the TreeViewer that is the outline of the model.

composite - The Composite to which the ToolBar is to be added
The newly created TreeViewer


protected Control createPropertiesPanel(Composite container)
Creates the part of the dialog where the properties of the element selected in the outline will be displayed.

The properties panel contains the following:

The rest of the panel is constructed in this method.

container - The Composite to which this part is to be added
The properties panel


PageBook createPropertiesPanelTitle(Composite parent)
Creates the title for the properties panel. It is a PageBook that can switch between showing the regular title (the selected entry's label and icon) and an error message if an error has occured.

parent - The parent composite
The newly created PageBook title


protected CLabel createSectionTitle(Composite composite,
                                    java.lang.String text)
A convenient method to create CLabel titles (like the ones used in the Preferences dialog in the Eclipse workbench) throughout the dialog.

composite - The composite in which the title is to be created (it must have a GridLayout with two columns).
text - The title to be displayed
The newly created CLabel for convenience


protected Button getButton(int id)
Returns the Button with the given id; or null if none was found.

See Also:


PaletteCustomizer getCustomizer()
The customizer that is responsible for handling the various tasks and updating the model.


EntryPage getEntryPage(
PaletteEntry entry)
Returns the EntryPage for the given PaletteEntry. The EntryPage is retrieved from the customizer. If the given entry is null, null will be returned. If the customizer returns null for the valid entry, a default page will be created and returned.

entry - The PaletteEntry whose properties need to be displayed
The EntryPage with the properties of the given PaletteEntry


protected final java.util.List getOutlineActions()
Provides access to the actions that are used to manipulate the model. The actions will be created, if they haven't been yet.

the list of PaletteCustomizationActions
See Also:


PaletteRoot getPaletteRoot()
Provides sub-classes with access to the PaletteRoot

the palette root


PaletteEntry getSelectedPaletteEntry()
The PaletteEntry that is currently selected in the Outline Tree; null if none is selected


protected TreeItem getSelectedTreeItem()
The TreeItem that is currently selected in the Outline Tree; null if none is selected


protected Widget getWidget(int id)
The Widgets that were created with a unique ID and added to this class' internal map can be retrieved through this method.

id - The unique ID of the Widget that you wish to retrieve
The Widget, if one with the given id exists; null otherwise


protected final void handleApplyPressed()
This method is invoked when the Apply button is pressed

IMPORTANT: It is recommended that you not override this method. Closing the dialog with the 'X' at the top right of the window, or by hitting 'Esc' or any other way, corresponds to a "Cancel." That will, however, not result in this method being invoked. To handle such cases, saving or rejecting the changes is handled in close(). Override save() and revertToSaved() to add to what needs to be done when saving or cancelling.


protected void handleDelete()
This method is called when the "Delete" action is run (either through the context menu or the toolbar). It deletes the selected palette entry.


protected void handleMoveDown()
This method is called when the "Move Down" action is run (either through the context menu or the toolbar). It moves the selected palette entry down.


protected void handleMoveUp()
This method is called when the "Move Up" action is run (either through the context menu or the toolbar). It moves the selected entry up.


protected void handleOutlineSelectionChanged()
This is the method that is called everytime the selection in the outline (treeviewer) changes.


protected void revertToSaved()
This method is invoked when the changes made since the last save need to be cancelled.


protected void save()
This method is invoked when the changes made since the last save need to be saved.


protected void setActiveEntry(
PaletteEntry entry)
This methods sets the active entry. Based on the selection, this method will appropriately enable or disable the ToolBar items, will change the CLabel heading of the propreties panel, and will show the properties of the selected item in the properties panel.

entry - The new active entry, i.e., the new selected entry (it can be null)


protected void setActiveEntryPage(
EntryPage page)
Sets the given EntryPage as the top page in the PageBook that shows the properties of the item selected in the Outline. If the given EntryPage is null, nothing will be shown.

page - The EntryPage to be shown


public void setDefaultSelection(
PaletteEntry entry)
Sets the given PaletteEntry as the one to be selected when the dialog opens. It is discarded when the dialog is closed.

entry - The PaletteEntry that should be selected when the dialog is opened


public void showProblem(java.lang.String error)
This method should be invoked by EntryPages when there is an error. It will show the given error in the title of the properties panel. OK and Apply buttons will be disabled. Selecting some other entry in the outline tree will not be allowed until the error is fixed.

Specified by:
showProblem in interface EntryPageContainer
error - A description of the problem. Should be as brief as possible.
See Also:


protected void updateActions()
Updates the actions created in createOutlineActions(), enabling or disabling them as necessary.

Eclipse GEF

Copyright (c) IBM Corp. and others 2000, 2007. All Rights Reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire