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Class StringLength

  extended by 

      extended by 

          extended by 

              extended by 

public class StringLength
extends StringCondition

A Condition object that tests for String length values. The arguments being evaluated are adapted to a String first using a StringAdapter and then the length of the string will be compared with the initialization numeric values to see if it is equal/in-range.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.eclipse.emf.query.conditions. DataTypeCondition
adapter, value
Fields inherited from class org.eclipse.emf.query.conditions. Condition
Constructor Summary
StringLength (int length)
          A simple constructor that takes one int argument to test strings' length against It evaluates to true when the evaluated String length equals the length initialization argument.
StringLength (int length, IDataTypeAdapter< String> adapter)
          A constructor that takes one int argument to test strings' length against and a StringAdapter.
StringLength (int lowerBound, int upperBound)
          A constructor that takes two int arguments representing a range to test strings' length against.
StringLength (int lowerBound, int upperBound, IDataTypeAdapter< String> adapter)
          A constructor that takes two int arguments representing a range to test strings' length against.
StringLength (int lowerBound, int upperBound, StringAdapter adapter)
          A constructor that takes two int arguments representing a range to test strings' length against.
StringLength (int length, StringAdapter adapter)
          A constructor that takes one int argument to test strings' length against and a StringAdapter.
Method Summary
 boolean isSatisfied ( String str)
          An abstract method that answers whether the argument string satisfies this StringCondition
Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.emf.query.conditions.strings. StringCondition
Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.emf.query.conditions. Condition
Methods inherited from class java.lang. Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public StringLength(int length)
A simple constructor that takes one int argument to test strings' length against It evaluates to true when the evaluated String length equals the length initialization argument. It defaults to using the StringAdapter.DEFAULT for adapting the evaluated object to string before getting their length.

length - The int value that the evaluated string length must match


public StringLength(int length,
StringAdapter adapter)
A constructor that takes one int argument to test strings' length against and a StringAdapter. It evaluates to true when the evaluated String length equals the length initialization argument. It uses the argument StringAdapter for adapting the evaluated object to string before getting their length.

length - The int value that the evaluated string length must match
adapter - The StringAdapter to use to get a String out of evaluated Objects


public StringLength(int length,
String> adapter)
A constructor that takes one int argument to test strings' length against and a StringAdapter. It evaluates to true when the evaluated String length equals the length initialization argument. It uses the argument StringAdapter for adapting the evaluated object to string before getting their length.

length - The int value that the evaluated string length must match
adapter - a generic string adapter to use to get a String out of evaluated Objects


public StringLength(int lowerBound,
                    int upperBound)
A constructor that takes two int arguments representing a range to test strings' length against. It evaluates to true when the evaluated String length is equal to any these two int values passed or fall in between. It defaults to using the StringAdapter.DEFAULT for adapting the evaluated object to string before getting their length.

lowerBound - the int value representing the lower-bound in range testing
upperBound - the int value representing the upper-bound in range testing


public StringLength(int lowerBound,
                    int upperBound,
StringAdapter adapter)
A constructor that takes two int arguments representing a range to test strings' length against. It evaluates to true when the evaluated String length is equal to any these two int values passed or fall in between. It uses the argument StringAdapter for adapting the evaluated object to string before getting their length.

lowerBound - the int value representing the lower-bound in range testing
upperBound - the int value representing the upper-bound in range testing
adapter - The StringAdapter to use to get a String out of evaluated Objects


public StringLength(int lowerBound,
                    int upperBound,
String> adapter)
A constructor that takes two int arguments representing a range to test strings' length against. It evaluates to true when the evaluated String length is equal to any these two int values passed or fall in between. It uses the argument StringAdapter for adapting the evaluated object to string before getting their length.

lowerBound - the int value representing the lower-bound in range testing
upperBound - the int value representing the upper-bound in range testing
adapter - a generic string adapter to use to get a String out of evaluated Objects
Method Detail


public boolean isSatisfied(
String str)
Description copied from class: StringCondition
An abstract method that answers whether the argument string satisfies this StringCondition

Specified by:
isSatisfied in class StringCondition
str - The String to evaluate
boolean true if the argument string satisfies this StringCondition, false otherwise

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