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Eclipse C/C++ Developer Guide
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Shifting lines of code to the right or left

You can shift lines of code to the left or right in the C/C++ editor. You can change the tab width in the C/C++ editor preferences window. For more information, see Customizing the C/C++ editor.

To shift lines of code to the right or left:

  1. In the C/C++ editor, select the full length of the lines that you want to shift.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • To move the text to the right, press Tab.
    • To move the text to the right, click Edit > Shift Right.
    • To move the text to the left, press Shift+Tab.
    • To move the text to the left, click Edit > Shift Left.

Related concepts
Code entry

Related tasks
Customizing the C/C++ editor

Related reference
C/C++ editor preferences

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