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Streaming Media Server

1. How do I install GNUMP3d for the Streaming Media Server service?
2. How do I change the default directory containing multimedia files for GNUMP3d?
3. How do I change the default port number for GNUMP3d?

How do I install GNUMP3d for the Streaming Media Server service?


Assuming that /var/music/ is the directory containing multimedia files

  1. Read How do I add Universe and Multiverse?

  2. Read How do I install the Apache HTTP Server?

  3. Install the gnump3d package with Synaptic (See How do I use Synaptic to install packages?)

    Multimedia (universe) > gnump3d

  4. https://localhost:8888


How do I change the default directory containing multimedia files for GNUMP3d?


Assuming that the new directory containing multimedia files is /home/music/

  1. Read How do I install GNUMP3d for the Streaming Media Server service?

  2. sudo cp /etc/gnump3d/gnump3d.conf /etc/gnump3d/gnump3d.conf_backup 
    sudo gedit /etc/gnump3d/gnump3d.conf

  3. Find this line

    root = /var/music
  4. Replace with the following line

    root = /home/music

  5. Find this line

    user = gnump3d
  6. Replace with the following line

    user = root
  7. Save the edited file (sample/gnump3d.conf_changedirectorymultimediagnump3d)

  8. sudo /etc/init.d/gnump3d restart

  9. https://localhost:8888


How do I change the default port number for GNUMP3d?


Assuming that the new port number is “7979

  1. Read How do I install GNUMP3d for the Streaming Media Server service?

  2. Assuming that new port number is 7979

  3. sudo cp /etc/gnump3d/gnump3d.conf /etc/gnump3d/gnump3d.conf_backup 
    sudo gedit /etc/gnump3d/gnump3d.conf

  4. Find this line

    port = 8888
  5. Replace with the following line

     port = 7979

  6. Save the edited file (sample/gnump3d.conf_changeportnumbergnump3d)

  7. sudo /etc/init.d/gnump3d restart

  8. https://localhost:7979

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