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Solaris ZFS Administration Guide
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How This Book Is Organized

The following table describes the chapters in this book.



Chapter 1, Solaris ZFS File System (Introduction)

Provides an overview of ZFS and its features and benefits. It also covers some basic concepts and terminology.

Chapter 2, Getting Started With ZFS

Provides step-by-step instructions on setting up simple ZFS configurations with simple pools and file systems. This chapter also provides the hardware and software required to create ZFS file systems.

Chapter 3, ZFS and Traditional File System Differences

Identifies important features that make ZFS significantly different from traditional file systems. Understanding these key differences will help reduce confusion when using traditional tools to interact with ZFS.

Chapter 4, Managing ZFS Storage Pools

Provides a detailed description of how to create and administer storage pools.

Chapter 5, Managing ZFS File Systems

Provides detailed information about managing ZFS file systems. Included are such concepts as hierarchical file system layout, property inheritance, and automatic mount point management and share interactions.

Chapter 6, Working With ZFS Snapshots and Clones

Describes how to create and administer ZFS snapshots and clones.

Chapter 7, Using ACLs to Protect ZFS Files

Describes how to use access control lists (ACLs) to protect your ZFS files by providing more granular permissions then the standard UNIX permissions.

Chapter 9, ZFS Advanced Topics

Provides information on using ZFS volumes, using ZFS on a Solaris system with zones installed, and alternate root pools.

Chapter 10, ZFS Troubleshooting and Data Recovery

Describes how to identify ZFS failure modes and how to recover from them. Steps for preventing failures are covered as well.

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