Throughout your experiences with Linux, you will most likely find that manipulating
application input and output can be a very powerful thing to do. This section
describes some of the things that controlling input and output can do for you.
stdin, stdout, Pipelines, and Redirection
Every process has at least three connections to the outside world. The standard
input is one source of the process's data; the standard output is
one place the process sends data; and the standard error is a place
the process can send error messages. (These are often abbreviated stdin,
stdout, and stderr.)
The words ``source'' and ``place'' are intentionally vague. These standard
input and output locations can be changed by the user; they could be the screen,
the keyboard, a file, even a network connection. You can specify which locations
to use.
When you run a program from the shell, usually standard input comes from your
keyboard, and standard output and error both go to your screen. However, you
can ask the shell to change these defaults.
For example, the echo command sends it output to standard output, normally
the screen. But you can send it to a file instead with the output redirection
operator, >. For example, to put the word ``Hello'' in the file
myfile, use this command:
echo Hello > myfile
Use cat or your text file pager (more or less) to
view myfile's contents; see Figure 6.3 on
page .
Figure 6.3:
Redirecting output
You can change the standard input of a command with the input redirection
operator, <. For example, cat < myfile will display the contents
of myfile. This is not useful in practice; for convenience, the cat
command accepts a filename argument. So you can simply say cat myfile,
and the effect will be the same. redirection operators
Under the hood, cat < myfile means that the shell opens myfile
and then feeds its contents to the standard input of cat. cat
myfile, without the redirection operator, means that the cat command
receives one argument (myfile) opens the file itself, and then displays
the file.
There's a reason for the double functionality, however. For example, you can
connect the standard output of one command to the standard input of another.
This is called a pipeline, and it uses the pipe operator6.1, |.
Perhaps you want to see the GNU General Public License in reverse. To do this,
you use the tac command (it's cat, only backward). Try it
tac /usr/doc/copyright/GPL
Unfortunately, it goes by too quickly to read. So you only get to see a couple
of paragraphs. The solution is a pipeline:
tac /usr/doc/copyright/GPL | less
This takes the standard output of tac, which is the GPL in reverse,
and sends it to the standard input of less.
You can chain as many commands together as you like. Say you have an inexplicable
desire to replace every G with Q. For this you use the command
tr G Q, like this:
tac /usr/doc/copyright/GPL | tr G Q | less
You could get the same effect using temporary files and redirection, for example: