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Remote Desktop Preferences

The Remote Desktop preference tool enables you to share a GNOME Desktop session between multiple users, and to set session-sharing preferences.

Table 8.17, “Session Sharing Preferences” lists the session-sharing preferences that you can set. These preferences have a direct impact on the security of your system.

Table 8.17. Session Sharing Preferences

Dialog Element


Allow other users to view your desktop

Select this option to enable remote users to view your session. All keyboard, pointer, and clipboard events from the remote user are ignored.

Allow other users to control your desktop

Select this option to enable other to access and control your session from a remote location.

Users can view your desktop using this command:

Click on the highlighted text to system address by email to a remote user.

When a user tries to view or control your desktop

Select the following security considerations when a user tries to view or control your session:

  • Ask you for confirmation: Select this option if you want remote users to ask you for confirmation when they want to share your session. This option enables you to be aware of other users who connect to your session. You can also decide what time is suitable for the remote user to connect to your session.

  • Require the user to enter this password: Select this option to authenticate the remote user if authentication is used. This option provides an extra level of security.


Enter the password that the client who attempts to view or control your session must enter.

Preferred Applications
Desktop User Guide Next
Screen Resolution Preferences

  Published under the terms of the GNU General Public License Design by Interspire