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Extending Eclipse monitoring, profiling, and testing functions
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Testing the analysis engine

Once you have created both the analysis engine and the log analyzer, you can test your analysis engine in the Log and Trace Analyzer.

  1. From the Plug-in Development perspective, select the Run icon from the menu and select Run... from the list.
  2. In the Run dialog, double-click on Eclipse Application in the Configurations pane. A new workbench configuration is created with details displayed in the right pane.
  3. Click Run. A new workbench is launched with your plug-in enabled.
  4. In the new workbench, switch to the Profiling and Logging perspective.
  5. Optional: If your analysis engine uses a catalog that needs to be imported into the workspace, ensure that it is properly imported using the File > Import > Symptom catalog option from the menu.
  6. From the menu select File > Import.
  7. In the Import wizard, select Log File and click Next.
  8. On the Log Files page, click Add to add a log file.
  9. In the Add Log File window, select the log file that you want to analyzer from the Selected log file list.
  10. Specify a value for the log file location.
  11. Click OK.
  12. Click Finish to import the log file. The log file will be loaded in the Log Navigator view.
  13. Right-click on the log file, and from the menu, select Open with > Log view. The log records of the log file are loaded in to the log view.
  14. In the Log view, select one of the log records, right-click and select Analyzer > your log analyzer. Verify that the correct results are displayed in the Log view under the Analysis Result pane.


Related tasks
Creating an analysis engine
Implementing an analysis engine
Implementing a log analyzer

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