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Eclipse Workbench User Guide
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Help accessibility

The help browser uses your operating system's settings for the font colors, styles, and sizes. Users with visual impairments may wish to change some of these settings to increase the readability of the documentation.

The following information applies to Windows. In addition, on Windows platforms using Microsoft Internet Explorer, the help browser uses a component of Internet Explorer to display documentation, so changes you make to its display settings also affect the help display. To change the help browser's font and color settings:

  1. Open Microsoft Internet Explorer.
  2. Select Tools > Internet Options.
  3. On the General page, click the Colors, Fonts, or Accessibility button.
  4. Set the formatting options you desire.
  5. Optionally, you can specify a cascading style sheet (CSS) to apply to the content.
  6. Click OK and exit Internet Explorer.
  7. Restart the Workbench. Open the Help perspective and browse the documentation to see the changes.

Note: The help system also uses the Icon font setting on the Display Properties Appearance tab.

For more information about creating a CSS, consult a CSS reference. The W3 Consortium ( has an extensive collection of information about CSS and links to valuable resources.

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  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire