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Eclipse Workbench User Guide
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Rearranging tabbed views

In addition to dragging and dropping views on the Workbench the order of views can also be rearranged within a tabbed notebook.

  1. Choose Window > Reset Perspective to reset the Resource perspective back to its original layout. 

  2. Click on the Outline title bar and drag it on top of one of the navigation views. The Outline will now be stacked on top of one of the navigation views. 

  3. Click the tab of the navigation views and drag it to the right of the Outline tab.


  4. Once the cursor is to the right of the Outline tab and the cursor is a stack cursor release the mouse button.

    Observe the Project Explorer tab is now to the right of the Outline tab.


  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire