Interface ISystemSelectAllTarget
All Known Implementing Classes:
public interface ISystemSelectAllTarget
This interface is implemented by all viewers that wish to support
the global select all action. To do so, they implement this interface,
then instantiate SystemCommonSelectAllAction, and call setGlobalActionHandler.
See SystemViewPart for an example.
boolean enableSelectAll(
IStructuredSelection selection)
- Return true if select all should be enabled for the given object.
For a tree view, you should return true if and only if the selected object has children.
You can use the passed in selection or ignore it and query your own selection.
void doSelectAll(
IStructuredSelection selection)
- When this action is run via Edit->Select All or via Ctrl+A, perform the
select all action. For a tree view, this should select all the children
of the given selected object. You can use the passed in selected object
or ignore it and query the selected object yourself.
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