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Release 3.0

Interface ISystemNewFilterWizardConfigurator

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ISystemNewFilterWizardConfigurator

Much of the new filter wizard is configurable, especially with respect to translated strings. While there exists setters and overridable methods for most of it, sometimes that gets overwhelming. This interface is designed to capture all the configurable attributes that are not likely to change from usage to usage of the wizard (eg, not context sensitive) such that for convenience you can implement it in a class and instantiate a singleton instance of that class to re-use for your wizard.

Your best option is to subclass SystemNewFilterWizardConfigurator and override just those things you want to change.

Method Summary
  String getPage1Description ()
          Return the description for page 1 (which prompts for the filter string)
  String getPage1Title ()
          Return the page title for page 1 (which prompts for the filter string)
  String getPage2Description ()
          Return the description for page 2 (which prompts for the name and filter pool)
  String getPage2HelpID ()
          Return the help ID for page 2
  String getPage2NamePromptLabel ()
          Return the label for the filter name prompt on page 2.
  String getPage2NamePromptTooltip ()
          Return the tooltip for the filter name prompt on page 2.
  String getPage2NameVerbiage ()
          Return the verbiage for the name prompt on page 2
  String getPage2PoolPromptLabel ()
          Return the label for the filter pool prompt on page 2.
  String getPage2PoolPromptTooltip ()
          Return the label for the filter pool prompt on page 2.
  String getPage2PoolVerbiage ()
          Return the verbiage for the pool prompt on page 3
  String getPage2PoolVerbiageTip ()
          Return the verbiage tooltip for the name prompt on page 2
  String getPage2Title ()
          Return the page title for page 2 (which prompts for the name and filter pool)
  String getPage2UniqueToConnectionLabel ()
          Get the "Unique to this connection" checkbox label
  String getPage2UniqueToConnectionToolTip ()
          Set the "Unique to this connection" checkbox tooltip
  String getPage3Description ()
          Return the description for page 3 (which shows 2 tips)
  String getPage3Tip1 ()
          Return the first tip on page 3
  String getPage3Tip2 ()
          Return the second tip on page 3
  String getPage3Title ()
          Return the page title for page 3 (which shows 2 tips)
  String getPageTitle ()
          Return the default page title to use for each page, unless overridden individually

Method Detail


String getPageTitle()
Return the default page title to use for each page, unless overridden individually


String getPage1Title()
Return the page title for page 1 (which prompts for the filter string)


String getPage1Description()
Return the description for page 1 (which prompts for the filter string)


String getPage2Title()
Return the page title for page 2 (which prompts for the name and filter pool)


String getPage2Description()
Return the description for page 2 (which prompts for the name and filter pool)


String getPage2HelpID()
Return the help ID for page 2


String getPage2NameVerbiage()
Return the verbiage for the name prompt on page 2


String getPage2PoolVerbiage()
Return the verbiage for the pool prompt on page 3


String getPage2PoolVerbiageTip()
Return the verbiage tooltip for the name prompt on page 2


String getPage2NamePromptLabel()
Return the label for the filter name prompt on page 2.


String getPage2NamePromptTooltip()
Return the tooltip for the filter name prompt on page 2.


String getPage2PoolPromptLabel()
Return the label for the filter pool prompt on page 2.


String getPage2PoolPromptTooltip()
Return the label for the filter pool prompt on page 2.


String getPage2UniqueToConnectionLabel()
Get the "Unique to this connection" checkbox label


String getPage2UniqueToConnectionToolTip()
Set the "Unique to this connection" checkbox tooltip


String getPage3Title()
Return the page title for page 3 (which shows 2 tips)


String getPage3Description()
Return the description for page 3 (which shows 2 tips)


String getPage3Tip1()
Return the first tip on page 3


String getPage3Tip2()
Return the second tip on page 3

Release 3.0

Copyright (c) IBM Corporation and others 2000, 2008. All Rights Reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire