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Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5
Interface IPropertyDescriptor

All Known Implementing Classes:
ColorPropertyDescriptor, ComboBoxPropertyDescriptor, PropertyDescriptor, TextPropertyDescriptor

public interface IPropertyDescriptor

A descriptor for a property to be presented by a standard property sheet page (PropertySheetPage). These descriptors originate with property sources (IPropertySource).

A property descriptor carries the following information:

  • property id (required)
  • display name (required)
  • brief description of the property (optional)
  • category for grouping related properties (optional)
  • label provider used to display the property value (optional)
  • cell editor for changing the property value (optional)
  • help context id (optional)

Clients may implement this interface to provide specialized property descriptors; however, there are standard implementations declared in this package that take care of the most common cases:

  • PropertyDescriptor - read-only property
  • TextPropertyDescriptor - edits with a TextCellEditor
  • CheckboxPropertyDescriptor - edits with a CheckboxCellEditor
  • ComboBoxPropertyDescriptor - edits with a ComboBoxCellEditor
  • ColorPropertyDescriptor - edits with a ColorCellEditor

See Also:

Method Summary
  CellEditor createPropertyEditor ( Composite parent)
          Creates and returns a new cell editor for editing this property.
  String getCategory ()
          Returns the name of the category to which this property belongs.
  String getDescription ()
          Returns a brief description of this property.
  String getDisplayName ()
          Returns the display name for this property.
  String[] getFilterFlags ()
          Returns a list of filter types to which this property belongs.
  Object getHelpContextIds ()
          Returns the help context id for this property or null if this property has no help context id.
  Object getId ()
          Returns the id for this property.
  ILabelProvider getLabelProvider ()
          Returns the label provider for this property.
 boolean isCompatibleWith ( IPropertyDescriptor anotherProperty)
          Returns whether this property descriptor and the given one are compatible.

Method Detail


CellEditor createPropertyEditor(
Composite parent)
Creates and returns a new cell editor for editing this property. Returns null if the property is not editable.

parent - the parent widget for the cell editor
the cell editor for this property, or null if this property cannot be edited


String getCategory()
Returns the name of the category to which this property belongs. Properties belonging to the same category are grouped together visually. This localized string is shown to the user

the category name, or null if the default category is to be used


String getDescription()
Returns a brief description of this property. This localized string is shown to the user when this property is selected.

a brief description, or null if none


String getDisplayName()
Returns the display name for this property. This localized string is shown to the user as the name of this property.

a displayable name


String[] getFilterFlags()
Returns a list of filter types to which this property belongs. The user is able to toggle the filters to show/hide properties belonging to a filter type.

Valid values for these flags are declared as constants on IPropertySheetEntry

a list of filter types to which this property belongs, or null if none


Object getHelpContextIds()
Returns the help context id for this property or null if this property has no help context id.

NOTE: Help support system API's changed since 2.0 and arrays of contexts are no longer supported.

Thus the only valid non-null return type for this method is a String representing a context id. The previously valid return types are deprecated. The plural name for this method is unfortunate.

the help context id for this entry


Object getId()
Returns the id for this property. This object is used internally to distinguish one property descriptor from another.

the property id


ILabelProvider getLabelProvider()
Returns the label provider for this property. The label provider is used to obtain the text (and possible image) for displaying the value of this property.

the label provider used to display this property


boolean isCompatibleWith(
IPropertyDescriptor anotherProperty)
Returns whether this property descriptor and the given one are compatible.

The property sheet uses this method during multiple selection to determine whether two property descriptors with the same id are in fact the same property and can be displayed as a single entry in the property sheet.

anotherProperty - the other property descriptor
true if the property descriptors are compatible, and false otherwise

Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Guidelines for using Eclipse APIs.

Copyright (c) Eclipse contributors and others 2000, 2008. All rights reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire