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Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Interface IUndoManagerListener

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface IUndoManagerListener

Listener to monitor state changes of an IUndoManager.

Clients may implement this interface to listen to undo manger changes.

As of 3.2 clients which need to examine refactorings which have been performed, undone or redone should use IRefactoringExecutionListener for enhanced functionality.


Method Summary
 void aboutToPerformChange ( IUndoManager manager, Change change)
          This method gets called by the undo manager if a change gets executed in the context of the undo manager.
 void changePerformed ( IUndoManager manager, Change change)
          This method gets called by the undo manager when a change has been executed in the context of the undo manager.
 void redoStackChanged ( IUndoManager manager)
          This method is called by the undo manager if the redo stack has changed (for example a redo object got added or the redo stack got flushed).
 void undoStackChanged ( IUndoManager manager)
          This method is called by the undo manager if the undo stack has changed (for example a undo object got added or the undo stack got flushed).

Method Detail


void undoStackChanged(
IUndoManager manager)
This method is called by the undo manager if the undo stack has changed (for example a undo object got added or the undo stack got flushed).

manager - the manager this listener is registered to


void redoStackChanged(
IUndoManager manager)
This method is called by the undo manager if the redo stack has changed (for example a redo object got added or the redo stack got flushed).

manager - the manager this listener is registered to


void aboutToPerformChange(
IUndoManager manager,
Change change)
This method gets called by the undo manager if a change gets executed in the context of the undo manager.

manager - the manager this listener is registered to
change - the change to be executed


void changePerformed(
IUndoManager manager,
Change change)
This method gets called by the undo manager when a change has been executed in the context of the undo manager.

manager - the manager this listener is registered to
change - the change that has been executed

Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Guidelines for using Eclipse APIs.

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  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire