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Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Class MasterDetailObservables

  extended by 

public class MasterDetailObservables
extends Object

Allows for the observation of an attribute, the detail, of an observable representing selection or another transient instance, the master.


Constructor Summary
MasterDetailObservables ()
Method Summary
static  IObservableList detailList ( IObservableValue master, IObservableFactory detailFactory, Object detailElementType)
          Creates a detail observable list from a master observable value and a factory.
static  IObservableMap detailMap ( IObservableValue master, IObservableFactory detailFactory)
          Creates a detail observable map from a master observable value and a factory.
static  IObservableMap detailMap ( IObservableValue master, IObservableFactory detailFactory, Object detailKeyType, Object detailValueType)
          Creates a detail observable map from a master observable value and a factory.
static  IObservableSet detailSet ( IObservableValue master, IObservableFactory detailFactory, Object detailElementType)
          Creates a detail observable set from a master observable value and a factory.
static  IObservableValue detailValue ( IObservableValue master, IObservableFactory detailFactory, Object detailType)
          Creates a detail observable value from a master observable value and a factory.
Methods inherited from class java.lang. Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public MasterDetailObservables()
Method Detail


public static 
IObservableValue detailValue(
IObservableValue master,
IObservableFactory detailFactory,
Object detailType)
Creates a detail observable value from a master observable value and a factory. This can be used to create observable values that represent a property of a selected object in a table.

master - the observable value to track
detailFactory - a factory for creating IObservableValue instances given a current value of the master
detailType - the value type of the detail observable value, typically of type java.lang.Class and can be null
an observable value of the given value type that, for any current value of the given master value, behaves like the observable value created by the factory for that current value.


public static 
IObservableList detailList(
IObservableValue master,
IObservableFactory detailFactory,
Object detailElementType)
Creates a detail observable list from a master observable value and a factory. This can be used to create observable lists that represent a list property of a selected object in a table.

master - the observable value to track
detailFactory - a factory for creating IObservableList instances given a current value of the master
detailElementType - the element type of the detail observable list, typically of type java.lang.Class and can be null
an observable list with the given element type that, for any current value of the given master value, behaves like the observable list created by the factory for that current value.


public static 
IObservableSet detailSet(
IObservableValue master,
IObservableFactory detailFactory,
Object detailElementType)
Creates a detail observable set from a master observable value and a factory. This can be used to create observable sets that represent a set property of a selected object in a table.

master - the observable value to track
detailFactory - a factory for creating IObservableSet instances given a current value of the master
detailElementType - the element type of the detail observable set, typically of type java.lang.Class and can be null
an observable set with the given element type that, for any current value of the given master value, behaves like the observable set created by the factory for that current value.


public static 
IObservableMap detailMap(
IObservableValue master,
IObservableFactory detailFactory)
Creates a detail observable map from a master observable value and a factory. This can be used to create observable maps that represent a map property of a selected object in a table.

master - the observable value to track
detailFactory - a factory for createing IObservableMap instances given a current value of the master
an observable map that, for any current value of the given master value, behaves like the observable map created by the factory for that current value.


public static 
IObservableMap detailMap(
IObservableValue master,
IObservableFactory detailFactory,
Object detailKeyType,
Object detailValueType)
Creates a detail observable map from a master observable value and a factory. This can be used to create observable maps that represent a map property of a selected object in a table.

master - the observable value to track
detailFactory - a factory for createing IObservableMap instances given a current value of the master
detailKeyType - the element type of the detail observable map's key set, typically of type java.lang.Class and can be null
detailValueType - the element type of the detail observable map's values collection, typically of type java.lang.Class and can be null
an observable map that, for any current value of the given master value, behaves like the observable map created by the factory for that current value.

Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Guidelines for using Eclipse APIs.

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