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Eclipse Plug-in Developer Guide
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Advanced workbench concepts

Plugging into the workbench looks at the basic workbench extension points in the context of the readme tool example. However, there are many more extension points available for contributing to the workbench.

The next topics cover additional workbench extensions and concepts that you will likely encounter once you've implemented your plug-in and have begun to refine its function. In order to understand the next few topics, you should already be familiar with

Since the readme tool does not contribute to all of these extension points, we will look at example extensions that are implemented by the platform workbench, the platform help system, and Java tooling (JDT).

When using any of these workbench features, it is a good idea to keep the rules of engagement for threading in mind. See The workbench and threads for more information.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire