Field assist
Often, a user is expected to provide textual information
in a simple field such as a text field or combo box. Although the application
code that populates these fields is generally much simpler than code that populates a complex
widget such as a table or tree, these "simple" fields usually place more
burden on the user. The user must identify which fields require content, whether a
field contains valid content, and what choices are expected. The JFace field assist
support provides classes that help guide the user through input tasks.
provides assistance in two ways. Control decorations allow you to place
image decorations adjacent to a control in order to cue the user about the status of a
particular field. Content proposal support allows you to provide a content assist popup that
provides content choices for the user.
Control decorations
A control decoration is a rendered image that can be placed adjacent to a field
in a window or dialog. Decorations may be placed adjacent to a control in one of
six positions (top, center, or bottom to the left or right of the control). One or
more control decorations may be defined for a control. The
API for
allows you to hide and show the decoration, assign descriptive
text to the decoration, and listen to events associated with the decoration.
Creating a control decoration
Creating a control decoration is straightforward. Clients simply specify the control to
be decorated and SWT constants describing the position of the decoration relative to the
control. Consider this snippet, in
which an application creates a text control inside one of its dialogs:
// Create a text field
Text text = new Text(parent, SWT.BORDER);
text.setText("some text");
A decoration can then be created for the control.
// Create a control decoration for the control.
ControlDecoration dec = new ControlDecoration(text, SWT.TOP | SWT.LEFT);
Once the decoration is created, its image and text can be specified.
// Specify the decoration image and description
Image image = JFaceResources.getImage("myplugin.specialimage");
dec.setDescriptionText("This field is special");
Clients can use the setShowOnlyOnFocus method to specify whether the decoration
should be shown only when the control has focus, or whether it should be shown at all times.
The setShowHover method allows clients to configure whether the description text is
shown in a hover when the mouse hovers over the decoration.
Laying out decorated controls
When adding decorations to controls that appear inside a dialog or window, you should
make sure there is enough space adjacent to the control to render the decoration without
overlapping other controls. For example, when using a grid layout in a dialog, there should
be enough margin space between the cells in the grid so that a decoration can be shown adjacent to
controls in the cells.
// Set the layout data to ensure there is enough space for the decoration
GridData data = new GridData(IDialogConstants.ENTRY_FIELD_WIDTH, SWT.DEFAULT);
data.horizontalIndent = image.getBounds().width;
The width of a decoration is simply the width of its image. However,
layout can get more complicated if you are using decorations with different widths.
If this is the case, you can simplify things by first creating field decorations to represent
all of your control decorations.
Field decorations
is simply a data object that combines the image and text used to
show a decoration. Once created, these field decorations can be registered in the
Field decoration registry
The field decoration registry allows you to register and access field decorations
using a string id. This provides a convenient way for you to refer to decorations used throughout your
application. You may choose to define API that exposes your decoration ids if you wish to
make them available to other plug-ins. Note that registering a decoration does not manage
the life-cycle of the images inside those decorations. Your application can decide how to manage
these images. For example, the JFace image registry may be used to register and manage the
image's life-cycle. Alternatively, your application may wish to create the image on demand
and dispose of it when it is no longer needed. The javadoc for the registration methods in
explains the different ways that images can be specified when
registering a decoration. To determine the margin width needed for decorations, you can use
protocol to access the width of the largest decoration and create
the necessary indent.
// Set the layout data
GridData data = new GridData(IDialogConstants.ENTRY_FIELD_WIDTH, SWT.DEFAULT);
data.horizontalIndent = FieldDecorationRegistry.getDefault().getMaximumDecorationWidth();
Although the field assist support does not dictate how decorations should be used,
the registry does define standard decorations that can be used by applications to show certain
states for a field. For example, the following snippet uses a standard
decoration for indicating an error in a field:
// Create a control decoration to indicate an error.
ControlDecoration dec = new ControlDecoration(text, SWT.TOP | SWT.LEFT);
FieldDecoration errorFieldIndicator = FieldDecorationRegistry.getDefault().
Content proposals
In addition to annotating fields with decorations, applications may provide a
content proposal assistant that activates a proposal popup for a field. You may install a
on an arbitrary control in order to provide this behavior.
The following snippet installs a content proposal adapter on a text control. Note that
this text control could be a control created directly by the application or one obtained
from a decorated field.
autoActivationCharacters = new char[] { '#', '(' };
keyStroke = KeyStroke.getInstance("Ctrl+Space");
// assume that myTextControl has already been created in some way
ContentProposalAdapter adapter = new ContentProposalAdapter(
myTextControl, new TextContentAdapter(),
new SimpleContentProposalProvider(new String [] {"ProposalOne", "ProposalTwo", "ProposalThree"}),
keyStroke, autoActivationCharacters);
In order to get and set the content of the control when the user chooses a proposal
in the popup, the adapter must be supplied with an instance of
, which can retrieve and set the contents of a particular
kind of control. For text fields, you can use the class
. However, you have the flexibility
to implement
to use the content proposal adapter with any other kind of control.
When creating a content proposal adapter, you must also specify an instance of
, from which the proposals themselves are retrieved.
This provider is responsible for returning an array of content proposals. The proposals
themselves are specified as instances of
, from which the label and content of the proposal can be obtained, in addition
to other information, such as a detailed description of the proposal.
In the example above, the
is used. This provider is defined by specifying a simple array of Strings as the
content proposals. The simple provider implements the necessary protocol to map each string into
the expected
. The flexibility of
allows you to implement a proposal provider with advanced features, such as filtering
the proposals based on the control's content, providing explanatory labels in the popup instead of the actual
content that will be inserted, and specifying the expected cursor position after a proposal is inserted.
See the Field Assist Example and search for implementors of
for advanced usage.
Configuring a content proposal adapter
We've seen that the basic definition for a content proposal adapter includes the control for which the proposals
are provided, the content adapter used to alter the content of the control, and the proposal provider that defines
the list of proposals in the popup. In addition to these basics, there are many ways that the content proposal
adapter can be configured:
setAutoActivationCharacters allows you to specify an array of characters that
will automatically trigger the content proposal popup when typed into the control.
setAutoActivationDelay defines the delay in milliseconds
between the time the user types an autoactivation character and the popup is opened.
setFilterStyle allows you to control whether any automatic filtering of proposals
is done, based on the keystrokes typed while the popup is active.
setLabelProvider allows you to specify a label provider which will provide an
image and string for each proposal.
setPopupSize allows you to specify the desired size of the proposal popup
when it is activated.
setPropagateKeys controls whether keys typed into an open proposal popup
should also be propagated back to the control.
setProposalAcceptanceStyle allows you to control how an accepted proposal
affects the content of the control (insertion, replacement, custom implementation).
- the keyStroke parameter in the constructor can be used to activate the
content proposal popup using an explicit key sequence that does not affect the content of the control.
The Field Assist Example allows you to configure these various options in the example preferences
and try out the different combinations. For example, the adapter can be configured so that
it is invoked explicitly with a keystroke and inserts the proposal content into the
control, causing it to behave much like the text editor content assist.
See the javadoc for more specifics about each of these methods and how they interact with each other.
Auto complete fields
The content proposal adapter methods can be used to configure an adapter so that it behaves
more like the type-ahead field completion used in web browser URL or search fields.
can be used when this style of interaction is desired. Clients need
only specify the list of completions when defining an auto complete field. Configuration
of the content proposal adapter and proposal provider will be handled internally.
Workbench field assist
Field assist support at the JFace level gives your application a lot of flexibility in determining
how to decorate fields and show proposals for field content. This is desirable for stand-alone
JFace applications or stand-alone rich client applications. However, if your application is intended to integrate
with other plug-ins, such as the Eclipse SDK or third-party plug-ins, you will probably want to
use the field assist support in a way that is consistent with other plug-ins. The workbench
defines utility classes that use field assist for specific kinds of interactions.
For example,
the class
configures a content proposal adapter for
content-assist style insertion. It provides a handler for the workbench-level content assist
command, so that the content proposal popup is opened when the user invokes the keystroke or
trigger sequence that has been specified in the workbench key bindings. It can optionally
provide a control decoration with the content assist light bulb image. See the
for more detail about workbench-level field assist.
This package is expected to evolve as the workbench expands its use of field assist and
standardizes the use of decorations for certain field states.