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Eclipse JET Guide
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Package org.eclipse.jet.core.parser

Interface Summary
IJETParser Define the behavior of a JET Parser
IProblem Describe a parsing problem This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients
ITagLibraryResolver Protocol for resolving Tag library ids into instances of TagLibrary
ITemplateInput Encapsulate a JET Templates input
ITemplateResolver Protocol for resolving JET template paths into actual input - used by the JET parser and compiler.
ITemplateResolverHelper Protocal for template resolver that is responsible for resolving templates from a single base location which is communicated to the helper on creation.
ITemplateResolverHelperFactory Protocol for a factory that creates ITemplateResolverHelper instances.

Class Summary
AbstractTemplateResolver Abstract implementatino of ITemplateResolver.
DefaultTemplateResolver Default implementation of ITemplateResolver that is independent of the Eclipse workspace.
DefaultTemplateResolver.Builder Builder for DefaultTemplateResolver
ProblemSeverity Enumeration of problem Severities This class is not intended to be subclassed by clients.

Exception Summary
RecursiveIncludeException Describes a recursive inclusion.
TemplateInputException Wrap an exception from a ITemplateInput

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