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Eclipse JavaServer Faces Tooling Development Guide
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Design-Time Tag Metadata Operations


This document provides a reference of the operations that are available to "design-time" ("DT") metadata for JSP tags. DT metadata is consumed by the DT tag conversion / decoration framework to produce close-to-runtime visuals in the Web Page Editor.

Please see Providing Design-Time Tag Metadata for a tutorial on how to provide DT tag metadata.


Operation Parameters Purpose
0: Element name
1 (optional): Make child Element current
Appends a new child Element to the current Element, and optionally makes the new child Element current.
0: XPath expression
Appends child Text node containing the value of the evaluated XPath expression.
0: Text node content
Appends child Text node containing the content specified by the parameter.
0: Attribute name
1 (optional): Remove attribute
Creates a new child Text node where the content is the specified attribute's value, and optionally removes the specified attribute.
CopyAllAttributesOperation (None) Copies all source Element's attributes to the current Element.
0: Attribute name
1 (optional): Create if not present
2 (optional): New value if not present
Copies a single source Element's attribute to the current Element, optionally creating a new attribute with the specified new value if not present on the source Element.
CopyChildrenOperation (None) Copies all child Elements to be further processed by the framework.
0: Attribute name
1: XPath expression
Creates an attribute on the current Element where the value is the value of the evaluated XPath expression.
0: Attribute name
1: Attribute value
Creates an attribute with the specified value on the current Element.
0: Element name
Creates a new Element in the Document and makes it the current Element.
0: Fully-qualified classname
Instantiates custom class (assumed to be in same plug-in as the metadata file in which it is referenced) that must implement ITransformOperation. This allows custom code to handle transformation operations for which there is currently no adequate pre-defined operation.
0: XPath expression
Processes child operations only if the XPath expression does not evaluate to "true". IfNotOperation and IfOperation can be nested arbitrarily deep.
0: XPath expression
Processes child operations only if the XPath expression evaluates to "true". IfNotOperation and IfOperation can be nested arbitrarily deep.
0: XPath expression
Processes child operations for each Element in the set returned by the evaluated XPath expression.
MakeParentElementCurrentOperation (None) Makes the current Element's parent Element current.
0: Attribute name
Removes the specified attribute from the current Element.
0: Old attribute name
1: New attribute name
Renames the specified attribute of the current Element.


  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire