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Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractEnumerationType
org.eclipse.jst.jsf.taglibprocessing.attributevalues Provides type system for tag attribute values so that the org.eclipse.jst.jsf.core.metadataprocessors.features can be applied. 

Uses of AbstractEnumerationType in org.eclipse.jst.jsf.taglibprocessing.attributevalues

Subclasses of AbstractEnumerationType in org.eclipse.jst.jsf.taglibprocessing.attributevalues
 class BooleanType
          Meta-data processing type representing a boolean attribute value runtime type that implements IPossibleValues, IValidValues, IDefaultValue, IValidELValues Provisional API - subject to change
 class ColorType
          Meta-data processing type representing a color.
 class ContentType
          Meta-data processing type representing a content (MIME) type.
 class CurrencyCodeType
          ISO-4217 Currency codes
 class DoubleType
          Meta-data processing type representing a "double" attribute value runtime type Provisional API - subject to change
 class EnumerationType
          Abstract meta-data processing type representing an enumeration attribute value runtime type with a single signature
 class IntegerType
          Meta-data processing type representing an integer attribute value runtime type that implements IValidValues, IDefaultValue, IValidELValues Provisional API - subject to change
 class LanguageCodeType
          Meta-data processing type representing a Language Code type.
 class LengthType
          Meta-data processing type representing an length attribute value runtime type.
 class LinkType
          Meta-data processing type representing a Link type.
 class LocaleType
          Meta-data processing type representing a Locale Code type.
 class LongType
          Meta-data processing type representing a long attribute value runtime type that implements IValidValues, IDefaultValue, IValidELValues Provisional API - subject to change
 class MultiSignatureEnumerationType
          Abstract meta-data processing type representing an enumeration attribute value of multiple runtime types
 class NumberType
          Abstract meta-data processing type representing a numeric attribute value runtime type Provisional API - subject to change
 class StringType
          Meta-data processing type representing a String attribute value runtime type that implements IPossibleValues, IValidValues and IDefaultValues Provisional API - subject to change
 class TimeZoneType
          Meta-data processing type representing a TimeZone Code type.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire