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Interface ObjectInjectiveSetMapping

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractObjectInjectiveSetMapping, ElementToTagIdentifierMapping

public interface ObjectInjectiveSetMapping
extends AxiomaticSetMapping

A type of axiomatic set mapping that operates injectively on the input set to create its result set. Note that the injection (one-to-oneness) of the mapping is based on Java objects and not on the value of the object. Therefore, the result set is not guaranteed to be injective on the basis of value. For example, consider a set of integers: X = {new Integer(4), new Integer(6), new Integer(9)} an ObjectInjectiveSetMapping may be defined that maps this set to a result based on: map(x) = new Boolean(x < 8) for all x in X An ObjectiveInjectiveSetMapping result set would look like this: map(X) = {new Boolean(true), new Boolean(true), new Boolean(false)} Note that boolean TRUE maps twice, so based on the value of the set members, the mapping is not injective. However, each Java object in X maps to a distinct Java object in map(X) This interface should not be implemented by clients. Clients should sub-class AbstractObjectInjectiveSetMapping to avoid future API breakage.

Provisional API - subject to change

Method Summary
 java.util.Iterator mapIterator ( AxiomaticSet set)
          This method optimizes the case where a client wants to apply some mapping or constraint to each element of a set until a particular condition applies and then stop.
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.jst.jsf.common.sets.mapping. AxiomaticSetMapping

Method Detail


java.util.Iterator mapIterator(
AxiomaticSet set)
This method optimizes the case where a client wants to apply some mapping or constraint to each element of a set until a particular condition applies and then stop. Mapping's that implement this interface should generally implement their map(set) method as: for (Iterator it = mapIterator(set); it.hasNext();) { result.add(doMapping(; }

set -
an iterator that allows a client to apply the mapping one element of set at a time. The iterator is immutable and should throw UnsupportedOperationException if remove() is called.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire