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Class AbstractSetConstraint

  extended by 
Direct Known Subclasses:
AbstractMemberConstraint, MemberConstraint

public abstract class AbstractSetConstraint
extends java.lang.Object

Super-class of all axiomatic set constraints. A set constraint applies one or more pre-conditions on a set and returns a diagnostic that flags whether or not the set satisfies that constraint or not.

Provisional API - subject to change

Constructor Summary
AbstractSetConstraint ()
Method Summary
 boolean failsConstraint ( AxiomaticSet set)
          Convenience method
abstract  Diagnostic isSatisfied ( AxiomaticSet set)
          The following post-conditions must hold: 1) if the set satisfies the constraint with no caveats, the returned diagnostic must in turn satisfy Diagnostic.getSeverity() == Diagnostic.OK 2) if the set does not satisfy the constraint, the returned diagnostic must satisfy Diagnostic.getSeverity() == Diagnostic.ERROR 3) if the set strictly satisfies the constraint but the constraint includes parameters that can only be heuristically applied, the constraint may choose to return a diagnostic where Diagnostic.getSeverity() == Diagnostic.WARNING The diagnostic returned should _never_ have any other severity but OK, ERROR or WARNING Algorithmically: Constraint is satisfied can be tested by Diagnostic.getSeverity() !
 boolean passesConstraint ( AxiomaticSet set)
          Convenience method
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public AbstractSetConstraint()
Method Detail


public abstract Diagnostic isSatisfied(
AxiomaticSet set)
The following post-conditions must hold: 1) if the set satisfies the constraint with no caveats, the returned diagnostic must in turn satisfy Diagnostic.getSeverity() == Diagnostic.OK 2) if the set does not satisfy the constraint, the returned diagnostic must satisfy Diagnostic.getSeverity() == Diagnostic.ERROR 3) if the set strictly satisfies the constraint but the constraint includes parameters that can only be heuristically applied, the constraint may choose to return a diagnostic where Diagnostic.getSeverity() == Diagnostic.WARNING The diagnostic returned should _never_ have any other severity but OK, ERROR or WARNING Algorithmically: Constraint is satisfied can be tested by Diagnostic.getSeverity() != ERROR Constraint is not satisfied can be tested by Diagnostic.getSeverity() == ERROR

set -
a diagnostic object that contains information about whether or not the constraint is satisfied for set. MUST NOT RETURN NULL


public final boolean passesConstraint(
AxiomaticSet set)
Convenience method

set -
true if the constraint is satisfied for set


public final boolean failsConstraint(
AxiomaticSet set)
Convenience method

set -
true if the constraint is not satisfied for set

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire