Clipboard Example
This example describes the usage of the clipboard framework
within the SDK. It demonstrates how to copy and paste library model
elements to and from the system clipboard respectively.
This example plug-in is named
. This
plug-in contributes the Clipboard menu to the library
editor's main menu and context menu. The menu has two actions:
Copy: Supports rich copy support for books and writers.
A writer's books are always copied when the writer is copied
Paste: Pasting a writer into a library that already has
a writer of the same name merges the pasted writer into the
existing one (most notably, adding to its books). Undo/Redo
support for the paste operation uses the EMF
Please refer to the tutorial
ClipboardTutorial for reviewing the code samples within this example
Refer to this example if you need:
- To implement fairly complex meta-model specific semantics for
copy/paste operations, where some relationships between model
elements need special treatment
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