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SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES 10) Installation and Administration
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5.2 Rule-Based Autoinstallation

The following sections introduce the basic concept of rule-based installation using AutoYaST and provide an example scenario that enables you to create your own custom autoinstallation setup.

5.2.1 Understanding Rule-Based Autoinstallation

Rule-based AutoYaST installation allows you to cope with heterogeneous hardware environments:

  • Does your site contain hardware of different vendors?

  • Are the machines on your site of different hardware configuration (for example, using different devices or using different memory and disk sizes)?

  • Do you intend to install across different domains and need to distinguish between them?

What rule-based autoinstallation does is, basically, generate a custom profile to match a heterogeneous scenario by merging several profiles into one. Each rule describes one particular distinctive feature of your setup (such as disk size) and tells AutoYaST which profile to use when the rule matches. Several rules describing different features of your setup are combined in an AutoYaST rules.xml file. The rule stack is then processed and AutoYaST generates the final profile by merging the different profiles matching the AutoYaST rules into one. To illustrate this procedure, refer to Section 5.2.2, Example Scenario for Rule-Based Autoinstallation.

Rule-based AutoYaST offers you great flexibility in planning and executing your SUSE Linux Enterprise deployment. You can:

  • Create rules for matching any of the predefined system attributes in AutoYaST

  • Combine multiple system attributes (such as disk size and kernel architecture) into one rule by using logical operators

  • Create custom rules by running shell scripts and passing their output to the AutoYaST framework. The number of custom rules is limited to five.

NOTE: For more information about rule creation and usage with AutoYaST, refer to the package's documentation under /usr/share/doc/packages/autoyast2/html/index.html, Chapter Rules and Classes.

To prepare for a rule-based AutoYaST mass installation, proceed as follows:

  1. Create several AutoYaST profiles that contain the installation details needed for your heterogeneous setup as described in Section 5.1.1, Creating an AutoYaST Profile.

  2. Define rules to match the system attributes of your hardware setup as shown in Section 5.2.2, Example Scenario for Rule-Based Autoinstallation.

  3. Determine the source of the AutoYaST profile and the parameter to pass to the installation routines as described in Section 5.1.2, Distributing the Profile and Determining the autoyast Parameter.

  4. Determine the source of the SUSE Linux Enterprise installation data as described in Section 5.1.3, Providing the Installation Data

  5. Pass the command line to the installation routines by adding the parameters manually or by creating an info file as described in Section 5.1.5, Creating the info File.

  6. Determine and set up the boot scenario for autoinstallation as described in Section 5.1.4, Setting Up the Boot Scenario.

  7. Start the autoinstallation process as described in Section 5.1.6, Initiating and Monitoring the Autoinstallation.

5.2.2 Example Scenario for Rule-Based Autoinstallation

To get a basic understanding of how rules are created, think of the following example, depicted in Figure 5-2. One run of AutoYaST installs the following setup:

A Print Server

This machine just needs a minimal installation without a desktop environment and a limited set of software packages.

Workstations in the Engineering Department

These machines need a desktop environment and a broad set of development software.

Laptops in the Sales Department

These machines need a desktop environment and a limited set of specialized applications, such as office and calendaring software.

Figure 5-2 AutoYaST Rules

In a first step, use one of the methods outlined in Section 5.1.1, Creating an AutoYaST Profile to create profiles for each use case. In this example, you would create print.xml, engineering.xml, and sales.xml.

In the second step, create rules to distinguish the three hardware types from one another and to tell AutoYaST which profile to use. Use an algorithm similar to the following to set up the rules:

  1. Does the machine have an IP of Then make it the print server.

  2. Does the machine have PCMCIA hardware and feature an Intel chipset? Then consider it an Intel laptop and install the sales department software selection.

  3. If none of the above is true, consider the machine a developer workstation and install accordingly.

Roughly sketched, this translates into a rules.xml file with the following content:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE autoinstall SYSTEM "/usr/share/autoinstall/dtd/rules.dtd"> 
<autoinstall xmlns="" xmlns:config="">
  <rules config:type="list">
            <continue config:type="boolean">false</continue>
if grep -i intel /proc/cpuinfo > /dev/null; then
echo -n "intel"
echo -n "non_intel"
            <continue config:type="boolean">false</continue>
            <continue config:type="boolean">false</continue>

When distributing the rules file, make sure that the rules directory resides under the profiles directory specified in the autoyast=protocol:serverip/profiles/ URL. AutoYaST looks for a rules subdirectory containing a file named rules.xml first then loads and merges the profiles specified in the rules file.

The rest of the autoinstallation procedure is carried out as usual.

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES 10) Installation and Administration
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  Published Courtesy of Novell, Inc. Design by Interspire