NIS stands for Network Information
Service. It is an RPC service, called
ypserv, which is used in conjunction with
portmap and other related services to distribute maps
of usernames, passwords, and other sensitive information to any computer
claiming to be within its domain.
An NIS server is comprised of several applications. They include the
/usr/sbin/rpc.yppasswdd — Also called the
yppasswdd service, this daemon allows users to
change their NIS passwords.
/usr/sbin/rpc.ypxfrd — Also called the
ypxfrd service, this daemon is responsible for NIS
map transfers over the network.
/usr/sbin/yppush — This application
propagates changed NIS databases to multiple NIS servers.
/usr/sbin/ypserv — This is the NIS
server daemon.
NIS is rather insecure by todays standards. It has no host
authentication mechanisms and passes all of its information over the
network unencrypted, including password hashes. As a result, extreme
care must be taken to set up a network that uses NIS. Further
complicating the situation, the default configuration of NIS is
inherently insecure.
It is recommended that anyone planning to implement an NIS server first
secure the portmap service as outlined in Section 5.2 Securing Portmap, then address the following issues, such as
network planning.
Because NIS passes sensitive information unencrypted over the network,
it is important the service be run behind a firewall and on a
segmented and secure network. Any time NIS information is passed over
an insecure network, it risks being intercepted. Careful network
design in these regards can help prevent severe security breaches.
Any machine within an NIS domain can use commands to extract
information from the server without authentication, as long as the
user knows the NIS server's DNS hostname and NIS domain name.
For instance, if someone either connects a laptop computer into the
network or breaks into the network from outside (and manages to spoof
an internal IP address), the following command reveals the
/etc/passwd map:
ypcat -d <NIS_domain> -h <DNS_hostname> passwd |
If this attacker is a root user, they can obtain the
/etc/shadow file by typing the following command:
ypcat -d <NIS_domain> -h <DNS_hostname> shadow |
 | Note |
| If Kerberos is used, the /etc/shadow file is not
stored within an NIS map.
To make access to NIS maps harder for an attacker, create a random
string for the DNS hostname, such as Similarly, create a
different randomized NIS domain name. This
makes it much more difficult for an attacker to access the NIS server.
NIS listens to all networks, if the
/var/yp/securenets file is blank or does not
exist (as is the case after a default installation). One of the first
things to do is to put netmask/network pairs in the file so that
ypserv only responds to requests from the proper
Below is a sample entry from a /var/yp/securenets
file: |
 | Warning |
| Never start an NIS server for the first time without creating the
/var/yp/securenets file.
This technique does not provide protection from an IP spoofing attack,
but it does at least place limits on what networks the NIS server
All of the servers related to NIS can be assigned specific ports
except for rpc.yppasswdd — the daemon that
allows users to change their login passwords. Assigning ports to the
other two NIS server daemons, rpc.ypxfrd and
ypserv, allows for the creation of firewall rules to
further protect the NIS server daemons from intruders.
To do this, add the following lines to
YPSERV_ARGS="-p 834"
YPXFRD_ARGS="-p 835" |
The following IPTables rules can be issued to
enforce which network the server listens to for these ports:
iptables -A INPUT -p ALL -s! --dport 834 -j DROP
iptables -A INPUT -p ALL -s! --dport 835 -j DROP |
 | Tip |
| Refer to Chapter 7 Firewalls for more information about
implementing firewalls with IPTables commands.
One of the most glaring flaws inherent when NIS is used for
authentication is that whenever a user logs into a machine, a password
hash from the /etc/shadow map is sent over the
network. If an intruder gains access to an NIS domain and sniffs
network traffic, usernames and password hashes can be quietly
collected. With enough time, a password cracking program can guess
weak passwords, and an attacker can gain access to a valid account on
the network.
Since Kerberos uses secret-key cryptography, no password hashes are
ever sent over the network, making the system far more secure. For
more about Kerberos, refer to the chapter titled
Kerberos in the Red Hat Enterprise Linux Reference Guide.