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Thinking in Java
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Controlling serialization

As you can see, the default serialization mechanism is trivial to use. But what if you have special needs? Perhaps you have special security issues and you don’t want to serialize portions of your object, or perhaps it just doesn’t make sense for one subobject to be serialized if that part needs to be created anew when the object is recovered.

You can control the process of serialization by implementing the Externalizable interface instead of the Serializable interface. The Externalizable interface extends the Serializable interface and adds two methods, writeExternal( ) and readExternal( ), that are automatically called for your object during serialization and deserialization so that you can perform your special operations.

The following example shows simple implementations of the Externalizable interface methods. Note that Blip1 and Blip2 are nearly identical except for a subtle difference (see if you can discover it by looking at the code):

// Simple use of Externalizable & a pitfall.
// {Clean: Blips.out}
import com.bruceeckel.simpletest.*;
import java.util.*;

class Blip1 implements Externalizable {
  public Blip1() {
    System.out.println("Blip1 Constructor");
  public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out)
      throws IOException {
  public void readExternal(ObjectInput in)
     throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {

class Blip2 implements Externalizable {
  Blip2() {
    System.out.println("Blip2 Constructor");
  public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out)
      throws IOException {
  public void readExternal(ObjectInput in)
     throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {

public class Blips {
  private static Test monitor = new Test();
  // Throw exceptions to console:
  public static void main(String[] args)
  throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
    System.out.println("Constructing objects:");
    Blip1 b1 = new Blip1();
    Blip2 b2 = new Blip2();
    ObjectOutputStream o = new ObjectOutputStream(
      new FileOutputStream("Blips.out"));
    System.out.println("Saving objects:");
    // Now get them back:
    ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream(
      new FileInputStream("Blips.out"));
    System.out.println("Recovering b1:");
    b1 = (Blip1)in.readObject();
    // OOPS! Throws an exception:
//! System.out.println("Recovering b2:");
//! b2 = (Blip2)in.readObject();
    monitor.expect(new String[] {
      "Constructing objects:",
      "Blip1 Constructor",
      "Blip2 Constructor",
      "Saving objects:",
      "Recovering b1:",
      "Blip1 Constructor",
} ///:~

The reason that the Blip2 object is not recovered is that trying to do so causes an exception. Can you see the difference between Blip1 and Blip2? The constructor for Blip1 is public, while the constructor for Blip2 is not, and that causes the exception upon recovery. Try making Blip2’s constructor public and removing the //! comments to see the correct results.

When b1 is recovered, the Blip1 default constructor is called. This is different from recovering a Serializable object, in which the object is constructed entirely from its stored bits, with no constructor calls. With an Externalizable object, all the normal default construction behavior occurs (including the initializations at the point of field definition), and then readExternal( ) is called. You need to be aware of this—in particular, the fact that all the default construction always takes place—to produce the correct behavior in your Externalizable objects.

Here’s an example that shows what you must do to fully store and retrieve an Externalizable object:

// Reconstructing an externalizable object.
import com.bruceeckel.simpletest.*;
import java.util.*;

public class Blip3 implements Externalizable {
  private static Test monitor = new Test();
  private int i;
  private String s; // No initialization
  public Blip3() {
    System.out.println("Blip3 Constructor");
    // s, i not initialized
  public Blip3(String x, int a) {
    System.out.println("Blip3(String x, int a)");
    s = x;
    i = a;
    // s & i initialized only in nondefault constructor.
  public String toString() { return s + i; }
  public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out)
  throws IOException {
    // You must do this:
  public void readExternal(ObjectInput in)
  throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
    // You must do this:
    s = (String)in.readObject();
    i = in.readInt();
  public static void main(String[] args)
  throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
    System.out.println("Constructing objects:");
    Blip3 b3 = new Blip3("A String ", 47);
    ObjectOutputStream o = new ObjectOutputStream(
      new FileOutputStream("Blip3.out"));
    System.out.println("Saving object:");
    // Now get it back:
    ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream(
      new FileInputStream("Blip3.out"));
    System.out.println("Recovering b3:");
    b3 = (Blip3)in.readObject();
    monitor.expect(new String[] {
      "Constructing objects:",
      "Blip3(String x, int a)",
      "A String 47",
      "Saving object:",
      "Recovering b3:",
      "Blip3 Constructor",
      "A String 47"
} ///:~

The fields s and i are initialized only in the second constructor, but not in the default constructor. This means that if you don’t initialize s and i in readExternal( ), s will be null and i will be zero (since the storage for the object gets wiped to zero in the first step of object creation). If you comment out the two lines of code following the phrases “You must do this” and run the program, you’ll see that when the object is recovered, s is null and i is zero.

If you are inheriting from an Externalizable object, you’ll typically call the base-class versions of writeExternal( ) and readExternal( ) to provide proper storage and retrieval of the base-class components.

So to make things work correctly you must not only write the important data from the object during the writeExternal( ) method (there is no default behavior that writes any of the member objects for an Externalizable object), but you must also recover that data in the readExternal( ) method. This can be a bit confusing at first because the default construction behavior for an Externalizable object can make it seem like some kind of storage and retrieval takes place automatically. It does not.

The transient keyword

When you’re controlling serialization, there might be a particular subobject that you don’t want Java’s serialization mechanism to automatically save and restore. This is commonly the case if that subobject represents sensitive information that you don’t want to serialize, such as a password. Even if that information is private in the object, once it has been serialized, it’s possible for someone to access it by reading a file or intercepting a network transmission.

One way to prevent sensitive parts of your object from being serialized is to implement your class as Externalizable, as shown previously. Then nothing is automatically serialized, and you can explicitly serialize only the necessary parts inside writeExternal( ).

If you’re working with a Serializable object, however, all serialization happens automatically. To control this, you can turn off serialization on a field-by-field basis using the transient keyword, which says “Don’t bother saving or restoring this—I’ll take care of it.”

For example, consider a Login object that keeps information about a particular login session. Suppose that, once you verify the login, you want to store the data, but without the password. The easiest way to do this is by implementing Serializable and marking the password field as transient. Here’s what it looks like:

// Demonstrates the "transient" keyword.
// {Clean: Logon.out}
import java.util.*;

public class Logon implements Serializable {
  private Date date = new Date();
  private String username;
  private transient String password;
  public Logon(String name, String pwd) {
    username = name;
    password = pwd;
  public String toString() {
    String pwd = (password == null) ? "(n/a)" : password;
    return "logon info: \n   username: " + username +
      "\n   date: " + date + "\n   password: " + pwd;
  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    Logon a = new Logon("Hulk", "myLittlePony");
    System.out.println( "logon a = " + a);
    ObjectOutputStream o = new ObjectOutputStream(
      new FileOutputStream("Logon.out"));
    Thread.sleep(1000); // Delay for 1 second
    // Now get them back:
    ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream(
      new FileInputStream("Logon.out"));
    System.out.println("Recovering object at "+new Date());
    a = (Logon)in.readObject();
    System.out.println("logon a = " + a);
} ///:~

You can see that the date and username fields are ordinary (not transient), and thus are automatically serialized. However, the password is transient, so it is not stored to disk; also, the serialization mechanism makes no attempt to recover it. The output is:

logon a = logon info:
   username: Hulk
   date: Mon Oct 21 12:10:13 MDT 2002
   password: myLittlePony
Recovering object at Mon Oct 21 12:10:14 MDT 2002
logon a = logon info:
   username: Hulk
   date: Mon Oct 21 12:10:13 MDT 2002
   password: (n/a)

When the object is recovered, the password field is null. Note that toString( ) must check for a null value of password, because if you try to assemble a String object using the overloaded ‘+’ operator, and that operator encounters a null reference, you’ll get a NullPointerException. (Newer versions of Java might contain code to avoid this problem.)

You can also see that the date field is stored to and recovered from disk and not generated anew.

Since Externalizable objects do not store any of their fields by default, the transient keyword is for use with Serializable objects only.

An alternative to Externalizable

If you’re not keen on implementing the Externalizable interface, there’s another approach. You can implement the Serializable interface and add (notice I say “add” and not “override” or “implement”) methods called writeObject( ) and readObject( ) that will automatically be called when the object is serialized and deserialized, respectively. That is, if you provide these two methods, they will be used instead of the default serialization.

The methods must have these exact signatures:

private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream stream)
throws IOException;

private void readObject(ObjectInputStream stream)
throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException

From a design standpoint, things get really weird here. First of all, you might think that because these methods are not part of a base class or the Serializable interface, they ought to be defined in their own interface(s). But notice that they are defined as private, which means they are to be called only by other members of this class. However, you don’t actually call them from other members of this class, but instead the writeObject( ) and readObject( ) methods of the ObjectOutputStream and ObjectInputStream objects call your object’s writeObject( ) and readObject( ) methods. (Notice my tremendous restraint in not launching into a long diatribe about using the same method names here. In a word: confusing.) You might wonder how the ObjectOutputStream and ObjectInputStream objects have access to private methods of your class. We can only assume that this is part of the serialization magic.

In any event, anything defined in an interface is automatically public so if writeObject( ) and readObject( ) must be private, then they can’t be part of an interface. Since you must follow the signatures exactly, the effect is the same as if you’re implementing an interface.

It would appear that when you call ObjectOutputStream.writeObject( ), the Serializable object that you pass it to is interrogated (using reflection, no doubt) to see if it implements its own writeObject( ). If so, the normal serialization process is skipped and the writeObject( ) is called. The same sort of situation exists for readObject( ).

There’s one other twist. Inside your writeObject( ), you can choose to perform the default writeObject( ) action by calling defaultWriteObject( ). Likewise, inside readObject( ) you can call defaultReadObject( ). Here is a simple example that demonstrates how you can control the storage and retrieval of a Serializable object:

// Controlling serialization by adding your own
// writeObject() and readObject() methods.
import com.bruceeckel.simpletest.*;

public class SerialCtl implements Serializable {
  private static Test monitor = new Test();
  private String a;
  private transient String b;
  public SerialCtl(String aa, String bb) {
    a = "Not Transient: " + aa;
    b = "Transient: " + bb;
  public String toString() { return a + "\n" + b; }
  private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream stream)
  throws IOException {
  private void readObject(ObjectInputStream stream)
  throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
    b = (String)stream.readObject();
  public static void main(String[] args)
  throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
    SerialCtl sc = new SerialCtl("Test1", "Test2");
    System.out.println("Before:\n" + sc);
    ByteArrayOutputStream buf= new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    ObjectOutputStream o = new ObjectOutputStream(buf);
    // Now get it back:
    ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream(
      new ByteArrayInputStream(buf.toByteArray()));
    SerialCtl sc2 = (SerialCtl)in.readObject();
    System.out.println("After:\n" + sc2);
    monitor.expect(new String[] {
     "Not Transient: Test1",
     "Transient: Test2",
     "Not Transient: Test1",
     "Transient: Test2"
} ///:~

In this example, one String field is ordinary and the other is transient, to prove that the non-transient field is saved by the defaultWriteObject( ) method and the transient field is saved and restored explicitly. The fields are initialized inside the constructor rather than at the point of definition to prove that they are not being initialized by some automatic mechanism during deserialization.

If you are going to use the default mechanism to write the non-transient parts of your object, you must call defaultWriteObject( ) as the first operation in writeObject( ), and defaultReadObject( ) as the first operation in readObject( ). These are strange method calls. It would appear, for example, that you are calling defaultWriteObject( ) for an ObjectOutputStream and passing it no arguments, and yet it somehow turns around and knows the reference to your object and how to write all the non-transient parts. Spooky.

The storage and retrieval of the transient objects uses more familiar code. And yet, think about what happens here. In main( ), a SerialCtl object is created, and then it’s serialized to an ObjectOutputStream. (Notice in this case that a buffer is used instead of a file—it’s all the same to the ObjectOutputStream.) The serialization occurs in the line:


The writeObject( ) method must be examining sc to see if it has its own writeObject( ) method. (Not by checking the interface—there isn’t one—or the class type, but by actually hunting for the method using reflection.) If it does, it uses that. A similar approach holds true for readObject( ). Perhaps this was the only practical way that they could solve the problem, but it’s certainly strange.


It’s possible that you might want to change the version of a serializable class (objects of the original class might be stored in a database, for example). This is supported, but you’ll probably do it only in special cases, and it requires an extra depth of understanding that we will not attempt to achieve here. The JDK documents downloadable from cover this topic quite thoroughly.

You will also notice in the JDK documentation many comments that begin with:

Warning: Serialized objects of this class will not be compatible with future Swing releases. The current serialization support is appropriate for short term storage or RMI between applications ...

This is because the versioning mechanism is too simple to work reliably in all situations, especially with JavaBeans. They’re working on a correction for the design, and that’s what the warning is about.
Thinking in Java
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   Reproduced courtesy of Bruce Eckel, MindView, Inc. Design by Interspire