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Ruby Programming
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Character Classes

A character class is a set of characters between brackets: [ characters ] matches any single character between the brackets. [aeiou] will match a vowel, [,.:;!?] matches punctuation, and so on. The significance of the special regular expression characters---.|()[{+^$*?---is turned off inside the brackets. However, normal string substitution still occurs, so (for example) \b represents a backspace character and \n a newline (see Table 18.2 on page 203). In addition, you can use the abbreviations shown in Table 5.1 on page 59, so that (for example) \s matches any whitespace character, not just a literal space.

showRE('It costs $12.', /[aeiou]/) It c<<o>>sts $12.
showRE('It costs $12.', /[\s]/) It<< >>costs $12.

Within the brackets, the sequence c1-c2 represents all the characters between c1 and c2, inclusive.

If you want to include the literal characters ] and - within a character class, they must appear at the start.

a = 'Gamma [Design Patterns-page 123]'
showRE(a, /[]]/) Gamma [Design Patterns-page 123<<]>>
showRE(a, /[B-F]/) Gamma [<<D>>esign Patterns-page 123]
showRE(a, /[-]/) Gamma [Design Patterns<<->>page 123]
showRE(a, /[0-9]/) Gamma [Design Patterns-page <<1>>23]

Put a ^ immediately after the opening bracket to negate a character class: [^a-z] matches any character that isn't a lowercase alphabetic.

Some character classes are used so frequently that Ruby provides abbreviations for them. These abbreviations are listed in Table 5.1 on page 59---they may be used both within brackets and in the body of a pattern.

showRE('It costs $12.', /\s/) It<< >>costs $12.
showRE('It costs $12.', /\d/) It costs $<<1>>2.

Character class abbreviations
Sequence As [ ... ] Meaning
\d [0-9] Digit character
\D [^0-9] Nondigit
\s [\s\t\r\n\f] Whitespace character
\S [^\s\t\r\n\f] Nonwhitespace character
\w [A-Za-z0-9_] Word character
\W [^A-Za-z0-9_] Nonword character

Finally, a period (``.'') appearing outside brackets represents any character except a newline (and in multiline mode it matches a newline, too).

a = 'It costs $12.'
showRE(a, /c.s/) It <<cos>>ts $12.
showRE(a, /./) <<I>>t costs $12.
showRE(a, /\./) It costs $12<<.>>

Ruby Programming
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