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Thinking in C++ Vol 2 - Practical Programming
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Abstract factories

The Abstract Factory pattern looks like the factories we ve seen previously, but with several Factory Methods. Each of the Factory Methods creates a different kind of object. When you create the factory object, you decide how all the objects created by that factory will be used. The example in GoF implements portability across various graphical user interfaces (GUIs): you create a factory object appropriate to the GUI that you re working with, and from then on when you ask it for a menu, a button, a slider, and so on, it will automatically create the appropriate version of that item for the GUI. Thus, you re able to isolate, in one place, the effect of changing from one GUI to another.

As another example, suppose you are creating a general-purpose gaming environment and you want to be able to support different types of games. Here s how it might look using an Abstract Factory:

//: C10:AbstractFactory.cpp
// A gaming environment.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Obstacle {
virtual void action() = 0;
class Player {
virtual void interactWith(Obstacle*) = 0;
class Kitty: public Player {
virtual void interactWith(Obstacle* ob) {
cout << "Kitty has encountered a ";
class KungFuGuy: public Player {
virtual void interactWith(Obstacle* ob) {
cout << "KungFuGuy now battles against a ";
class Puzzle: public Obstacle {
void action() { cout << "Puzzle" << endl; }
class NastyWeapon: public Obstacle {
void action() { cout << "NastyWeapon" << endl; }
// The abstract factory:
class GameElementFactory {
virtual Player* makePlayer() = 0;
virtual Obstacle* makeObstacle() = 0;
// Concrete factories:
class KittiesAndPuzzles : public GameElementFactory {
virtual Player* makePlayer() { return new Kitty; }
virtual Obstacle* makeObstacle() { return new Puzzle; }
class KillAndDismember : public GameElementFactory {
virtual Player* makePlayer() { return new KungFuGuy; }
virtual Obstacle* makeObstacle() {
return new NastyWeapon;
class GameEnvironment {
GameElementFactory* gef;
Player* p;
Obstacle* ob;
GameEnvironment(GameElementFactory* factory)
: gef(factory), p(factory->makePlayer()),
ob(factory->makeObstacle()) {}
void play() { p->interactWith(ob); }
~GameEnvironment() {
delete p;
delete ob;
delete gef;
int main() {
g1(new KittiesAndPuzzles),
g2(new KillAndDismember);;;
/* Output:
Kitty has encountered a Puzzle
KungFuGuy now battles against a NastyWeapon */ ///:~

In this environment, Player objects interact with Obstacle objects, but the types of players and obstacles depend on the game. You determine the kind of game by choosing a particular GameElementFactory, and then the GameEnvironment controls the setup and play of the game. In this example, the setup and play are simple, but those activities (the initial conditions and the state change) can determine much of the game s outcome. Here, GameEnvironment is not designed to be inherited, although it could possibly make sense to do that.

This example also illustrates double dispatching, which will be explained later.

Thinking in C++ Vol 2 - Practical Programming
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   Reproduced courtesy of Bruce Eckel, MindView, Inc. Design by Interspire