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The Art of Unix Programming
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Unix Programming - Designing Minilanguages - Macros — Beware!

Macros — Beware!

Macro expansion facilities were a favored tactic for language designers in early Unix; the C language has one, of course, and we have seen them show up in some of the more complex special-purpose minilanguages like pic(1). The m4 preprocessor provides a generic tool for implementing macro-expanding preprocessors.

Macro expansion is easy to specify and implement, and you can do a lot of cute tricks with it. Those early designers appear to have been influenced by experience with assemblers, in which macro facilities were often the only device available for structuring programs.

The strength of macro expansion is that it knows nothing about the underlying syntax of the base language, and can be used to extend that syntax. Unfortunately, this power is very easily abused to produce code that is opaque, surprising, and a fertile source of hard-to-characterize bugs.

In C, the classic example of this sort of problem is a macro such as this:

#define max(x, y)	x > y ? x : y

There are at least two problems with this macro. One is that it can produce surprising results if either of the arguments is an expression including an operator of lower precedence than > or ?:. Consider the expression max(a = b, ++c). If the programmer has forgotten that max is a macro, he will be expecting the assignment a = b and the preincrement operation on c to be executed before the resulting values are passed as arguments to max.

But that's not what will happen. Instead, the preprocessor will expand this expression to a = b > ++c ? a = b : ++c, which the C compiler's precedence rules make it interpret as a = (b > ++c ? a = b : ++c). The effect will be to assign to a!

This sort of bad interaction can be headed off by coding the macro definition more defensively.

#define max(x, y)	((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))

With this definition, the expansion would be ((a = b) > (++c) ? (a = b) : (++c)). This solves one problem — but notice that c may be incremented twice! There are subtler versions of this trap, such as passing the macro a function-call with side effects.

In general, interactions between macros and expressions with side effects can lead to unfortunate results that are hard to diagnose. C's macro processor is a deliberately lightweight and simple one; more powerful ones can actually get you in worse trouble.

The TeX formatting language (see Chapter18) well illustrates the general problem. TeX is intentionally Turing-complete (it has conditionals, loops, and recursion), but while it can be made to do amazing things, TeX code tends to be unreadable and painful to debug. The sources for LaTeX, the the most widely used TeX macro package, are an instructive example: they're in very good TeX style, but even so are extremely difficult to follow.

A minor problem, compared to this one, is that macro expansion tends to screw up error diagnostics. The base language processor generates its error reports relative to the macro expanded text, not the original the programmer is looking at. If the relationship between the two has been obfuscated by macro expansion, the emitted diagnostic can be very difficult to associate with the actual location of the error.

This is especially a problem with preprocessors and macros that can have multiline expansions, conditionally include or exclude text, or otherwise change line numbers in the expanded text.

Macro expansion stages that are built into a language can do their own compensation, fiddling line numbers to refer back to the preexpanded text. The macro facility in pic(1) does this, for example. This problem is more difficult to solve when the macro expansion is done by a preprocessor.

The C preprocessor addresses this problem by emitting #line directives whenever it does an inclusion or multiline expansion. The C compiler is expected to interpret these and adjust the line numbers in its error reports accordingly. Unfortunately, m4 has no such facility.

These are reasons to use macro expansion with extreme caution. One of the long-term lessons of the Unix experience is that macros tend to create more problems than they solve. Modern language and minilanguage designs have moved away from them.

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The Art of Unix Programming
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