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OpenSolaris 2008.11 Managing Boot Environments
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Features of beadm Utility

The beadm utility has the following features:

  • The beadm utility aggregates all datasets in a boot environment and performs actions on the entire boot environment at once. You no longer need to perform ZFS commands to modify each dataset individually.

  • The beadm utility manages the dataset structures within boot environments. For example, when the beadm utility clones a boot environment that has shared datasets, the utility automatically recognizes and manages those shared datasets for the new boot environment.

  • The beadm utility enables you to perform administrative tasks on your boot environments. These tasks can be performed without upgrading your system.

  • The beadm utility automatically manages and updates the GRUB menu. For example, when you use the beadm utility to create a new boot environment, that environment is automatically added to the GRUB menu.

The new beadm utility enables you to perform the following tasks:

  • Create a new boot environment based on the active boot environment

  • Create a new boot environment based on an inactive boot environment

  • Create a snapshot of an existing boot environment

  • Create a new boot environment based on an existing snapshot

  • Create a new boot environment and add a custom title to the GRUB menu.

  • Activate an existing, inactive boot environment

  • Mount a boot environment

  • Unmount a boot environment

  • Destroy a boot environment

  • Destroy a snapshot of a boot environment

  • Rename an existing, inactive boot environment

  • Display information about your boot environment snapshots and datasets

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