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OpenSolaris 2008.11 Managing Boot Environments
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Mounting and Updating an Inactive Boot Environment

If you want to update packages on an existing, inactive boot environment, you can mount that environment and then update the packages on it.

How to Mount a Boot Environment

  1. You can use the beadm mount command to mount a boot environment as follows:
    $ beadm mount beName mountpoint

    Note - If the directory for the mount point does not exist, the beadm utility creates the directory, then mounts the boot environment on that directory.

    If the boot environment is already mounted, the beadm mount command fails and does not remount the boot environment at the newly specified location.

    The boot environment is mounted but remains inactive.

  2. (Optional) You can update packages on the boot environment by using one of the following options:
    • Use the pkg image-update command with the -R option to update all packages on the boot environment as follows:
      $ pkg -R /mnt image-update

      Where /mnt is the mount point for the boot environment.

  3. Use the pkg install command with the -R option to update specific packages on the boot environment as follows:
    $ pkg -R /mnt install packagename

    Where /mnt is the mount point for the boot environment.

Unmounting Boot Environments

You can use the beadm command to unmount an existing boot environment.

Note - You cannot unmount the boot environment that is currently booted.

How to Unmount an Existing Boot Environment
  • To unmount the boot environment, type the following:
    $ beadm unmount beName
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