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Solaris Express Installation Guide: Custom JumpStart and Advanced Installations
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Update the rules File

Now you must add rules to the rules file. The Solaris installation program uses the rules to select the correct installation (profile) for each system during a custom JumpStart installation.

At this site, each department is located on its own subnet and has its own network address. The engineering department is located on subnet The marketing department is located on You can use this information to control how the engineering and marketing systems are installed with the Solaris Express 5/07 software. In the /jumpstart directory, you edit the rules file, delete all of the example rules, and add the following lines to the file:

network - eng_prof -
network - marketing_prof -

Basically, these rules state that systems on the network are to be installed with the Solaris Express 5/07 software by using the eng_prof profile. The systems on the network are to be installed with the Solaris Express 5/07 software by using the marketing_prof profile.

Note - You can use the sample rules to use a network address to identify the systems to be installed with the Solaris Express 5/07 software by using eng_prof and marketing_prof, respectively. You can also use host names, memory size, or model type as the rule keyword. Table 8-1 contains a complete list of keywords you can use in a rules file.

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