Numbering the first page something other than 1
Sometimes you may want to start a document with a page number greater than 1. For example, you may be writing a book, with each chapter in a separate file. Chapter 1 may start with page 1, but Chapter 2 could begin with page 25 and Chapter 3 with page 51.
Follow these instructions to start the page numbering in a document at a number greater than 1. (These instructions are for a page number in a footer, but you could use a header instead.)
Do not set a starting page number that is an even number because you will end up with a blank page before the first page when you print the file or export it as a PDF.
Choose Insert > Footer > [page style] to activate the footer. (If the page style is already checked in the Footer menu, point to it and click OK in the 2.0 dialog box that appears. Then point to that page style again to select it.)
The cursor is now in the footer. To insert the page number, choose Insert > Fields > Page Number. The page number will be 1.
Click in the first paragraph in the text area or type a paragraph of text.
Choose Format > Paragraph (or right-click and choose Paragraph from the pop-up menu) to display the Paragraph dialog box.
On the Text Flow page (Figure 84 on page 81), in the Breaks section, select Insert and select Page in the Type drop-down list. Select With Page Style and the page style you are using for the first page of the document.
The Page number field is now active. Type the page number you want to start with. Click OK to close the Paragraph dialog box.