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OpenOffice Impress 3.x Guide
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Inserting a picture from a scanner

Inserting an image from a scanner is normally fairly straightforward. Make sure that the scanner is supported by the SANE system if you are running the Linux (or other UNIX-like) operating system, or TWAIN if you are using a Windows version, and that it is already configured on the machine on which OOo is running. In case more than one scanner or equivalent device are present, select the source from Insert > Picture > Scan > Select Source.

To insert an image from the scanner:

  1. Prepare the image in the scanner and make sure that the scanner is ready.
  2. Select Insert > Picture > Scan > Request.
  3. The rest of the procedure depends on the scanner driver and interface. You will normally be required to specify the resolution, a scan window and other parameters. Consult the scanner’s documentation for more information.
  4. When the image is ready, Impress places it in the slide. At this point it can be edited as any other image.

OpenOffice Impress 3.x Guide
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