allows data sources to be accessed and then linked into OOo documents. For example, a mail merge links an external document containing a list of names and addresses into a letter, with one copy of the letter being generated for each entry.
To register a data source, choose File > New > Database to open the Database Wizard. Select Connect to an existing database. This allows access to the list of data sources that can be registered with OOo. These data sources can be accessed similarly to a dBase database as explained in the next section.
Once a data source has been registered, it can be used in any other OOo component (for example Writer or Calc) by selecting View > Data Sources or pressing the F4 key.
 | Mozilla Address Books and dBase databases (among others) can be accessed, and entries can be added or changed.
 | Spreadsheets can be accessed, but no changes can be made in the spreadsheet entries. All changes in a spreadsheet sheet must be made in the spreadsheet itself. Update the database and save it. Afterwards you see in your database the changes you made and saved in the spreadsheet. If you create and save an additional sheet in your spreadsheet, the database will have a new table the next time you access it.
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