Example 1: 5 × 4
For this example we will enter a simple formula: 5 × 4
On the Selection window:
- Select the top-left button of the categories (top) section.
- Click on the multiplication symbol.
Unary/binary operators.
When you select the multiplication symbol on the Selection window, two things happen:
- The equation editor shows the markup: <?> times <?>
- The body of the document shows a gray box with the figure:
The multiplication symbol.
The <?> symbols are placeholders that you can replace by other text. The equation will update automatically, and the result should resemble the figure below.

Result of entering "5" and "4" next to the "times" operator.
 | To keep the equation from updating automatically, select View > AutoUpdate display. To update a formula manually, press F9 or select View > Update.