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OpenOffice Calc 3.x Guide
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Moving quickly through a document

The Navigator provides several convenient ways to move around a document and find items in it:

  • To jump to a specific cell in the current sheet, type its cell reference in the Column and Row boxes at the top of the Navigator.
  • When a category is showing the list of objects in it, double-click on an object to jump directly to that object’s location in the document.
  • To see the content in only one category, highlight that category and click the Toggle icon. Click the icon again to display all the categories.
  • Use the Start and End icons to jump to the first or last cell in the selected data range.
Image:Tip.png Ranges, scenarios, pictures, and other objects are much easier to find if you have given them names when creating them, instead of keeping Calc’s default Graphics 1, Graphics 2, Object 1, and so on—which may not correspond to the position of the object in the document.

OpenOffice Calc 3.x Guide
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