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Microsoft Office to OpenOffice Migration Guide
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User interface

Calc uses a Single Document Interface (SDI). This means that each document has its own window in which only one document is displayed at a time. Excel uses a Multiple Document Interface (MDI) where all open documents are displayed within one parent window. When you close the parent window, all files are also closed.

Two of Calc’s strong points are the accessibility of information about the active document and the ease of navigation of an SDI. Each Calc window provides menus, toolbars and other features that directly relate to the document open in that window.

When more than one document is open, you can switch between the active document and other open documents in several ways:

  • From the Window menu, select the document you want to become active.

  • Use the Restore Down button on the Title Bar to minimize the active document and reveal other open documents.

  • Select a document from your desktop’s Panel or Taskbar to activate it.

  • Close the current document to access other open documents.

  • Use the Alt+Tab shortcut keys to cycle through the open documents.

Microsoft Office to OpenOffice Migration Guide
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