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Microsoft Office to OpenOffice Migration Guide
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Drag and drop

Drag and drop works slightly differently in Calc than it does in Excel:

  • In Excel, after you select the cell or range to be moved, you need to position the pointer fairly precisely on the border of the cell or range for drag and drop to be available. In Calc, after selecting the cell or range, you can position the pointer anywhere within the range.

  • In Calc, to drag and drop a single cell, do this:

  1. Select the cell.

  2. Drag to select at least one additional cell.

  3. Drag back so that only the desired cell is selected. Then the cell can be dragged and dropped.

  • In Calc, to leave the source cell or range intact while dragging and dropping (in other words, to create a copy of the source cell or range), first drag in the normal way, then just before dropping, press and hold the Ctrl key, then release the mouse button.

Microsoft Office to OpenOffice Migration Guide
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