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Microsoft Office to OpenOffice Migration Guide
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Page styles

Modify a page style

In Writer all pages have a page style. To modify the page style of the page where the cursor is positioned, use Format > Page.


As the page style is being changed, all pages with this style will be changed as well.

Create a style

To create a new page style:

  1. If the Styles and Formatting window is not currently displayed, press F11 to display it.

  2. Click Page Styles in the Styles and Formatting window (fourth icon from left).

  3. Right-click in a free area of the Styles and Formatting window > New.

The Page Style dialog

Click Format > Page. The Page Style window opens.

Organizer tab

Name: Nothing tricky here, simply a name to help the user remember what the settings are for.

Next style: This setting specifies what page style to use at the next page break (manual or automatic) for any page that has this page style. Set it to a different page style when the page style is only for one page (such as the first page of each chapter), otherwise this should be the same as Name to keep the same page style for the following pages.

Page tab

Paper format : Format is the paper size, the other settings have the same names in Word (on the paper size tab of page setup).

Margin : Same as for Word. Each setting represents the distance from the edge of the page, but see “Header and footer tabs” as the location of headers and footers relative to the margins is different.

Layout settings: Page layout is for specifying whether the page style is mirrored (used for left and right pages). There are more options here than in Word, but there is not a different first page option, that is because it is handled by the Next style setting as mentioned above in Organizer tab. Format refers to the format of page numbers. Register true is to make the text line up better at the top of the page (see help for more details).

Background tab

For specifying a background color or graphic (watermark). (An alternative to this with more flexibility is to create a drawing object, then use Arrange > To Background, Anchor > To Page.)

Header and footer tabs

Headers and footers are printed between the margins of the page rather than in the top or bottom margins as they are in Word. Another way of saying this is that for the top of a page the area between the edge of the page and the top margin is always blank, next is the header, and after the header, the main text area for the page.

Height: AutoFit height allows the header or footer to grow and shrink depending on their contents.

Spacing specifies the distance between the header/footer and the main text area on the page. Dynamic spacing allows the header/footer to expand into the area between the header/footer and the main text area.

The left and right margins are indenting from the margins of the page and cannot have negative values.

The More button is for specifying borders and backgrounds for the header/footer area. In some versions of Word this approach was used to create a watermark. Since it is possible to have graphics in the background of the main document, this is not the required way of having a watermark in Writer.

Borders, columns and footnote tabs

These tabs are for specifying the borders (lines around the outside), number and widths of newspaper style columns and defining the area for footnotes (if any) for the page style.

Microsoft Office to OpenOffice Migration Guide
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