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Microsoft Office to OpenOffice Migration Guide
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Page breaks and page numbering

Changing the style used for a page and changing the numbering sequence

To insert a page break and change page style or page numbering, method 1:

  1. Press Control+Enter.

  2. Cursor will be in the first paragraph of the new page.

  3. Format > Paragraph > Text Flow tab.

  4. Breaks will be enabled.

  5. Select With Page style, specify the page style to use and specify the page number to start from.

To insert a page break and change page style or page numbering, method 2:

  1. Insert > Manual Break

  2. By default it will specify Page breaks.

  3. Choose the page style in the Page style list.

  4. Select Change page number.

  5. Enter the new starting page number.

To insert page numbering

  1. Define a page style with header or footer turned on.

  2. Position the cursor in the header or footer (use the mouse or the shortcut keys Control+PageUp for Header or Control+PageDown for footer).

  3. Optionally type: Page <space>.

  4. Insert > Fields > Page Number.

  5. Optionally type <space> of <space>, then click Insert > Fields > Page Count.

To insert a field that calculates a different page count (for example, when you have a title page but want to have the remaining pages say page 1 of 2 (instead of page 1 of 3 ):

  1. Press F2 to display the text formula bar.

  2. Type =page – 1.

  3. Press Enter.


Unfortunately this field does not automatically update, so press F9 to update it before printing.

Page numbers on portrait and landscape pages in the same place and orientation

  1. Create a style for landscape pages. Set the margins for the landscape style such that they correspond with the portrait style when rotated (top = left, bottom = right, left = bottom and right = top). For page numbering on left, turn on headers; on right – footers. Select Use dynamic spacing.

  2. Create a style for the landscape header or footer based on the style for the portrait header or footer. (In the Styles and Formatting window, select the style that is used for the portrait header or footer > right-click > New.) Change the font position to 270°. If the page numbering is on the bottom choose left alignment, for the top choose right.

  3. Insert the page break and choose the page style just created (see above); do not change the numbering.

  4. In the relevant header/footer (as per step 1) insert the page number field.

Microsoft Office to OpenOffice Migration Guide
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