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Microsoft Office to OpenOffice Migration Guide
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Fitting text to a frame

Fitting text to the frame, or a text box, in the two programs behaves differently. In PowerPoint, the program automatically resizes the font proportionally as the text exceeds the size of the text box.

In Impress, if the option Fit to frame has been selected, the program allows text to be typed outside of the text box. When you select another object, signifying that typing has finished, Impress resizes the text as if it were resizing a picture. This often leads to compressed and unattractive text.

The best way to avoid this effect is to keep the text within the text box.

To change the Fit to frame property in Impress:

  1. Click on the text frame to select it.

  2. Right-click on the text area and select Text in the pop up menu. The Text dialog opens.


  • On the Text tab are options to automatically adjust frame size or font size as follows:

    • Fit width to text resizes the text to fit the width of the drawing or the text object.

    • Fit height to text resizes the text to fit the height of the drawing or text object.

    • Fit to frame resizes the text to fit the entire area of the drawing or text object. To be able to check this option the other two options must be unchecked.

    Microsoft Office to OpenOffice Migration Guide
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