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Microsoft Office to OpenOffice Migration Guide
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AutoText entries

AutoText is a feature that stores formatted text or text with graphics, tables and fields and provides the means to easily insert the saved material into documents. stores AutoText entries in XML files in specified folders. Microsoft Word stores AutoText entries in template files, mainly in To import the AutoText entries from the Word templates follow these steps:

  1. Locate the Word template from which you want to import AutoText. Typically templates are found in:
    C:\Windows\Application Data\Microsoft\Templates or
    C:\Documents and Settings\Usersname\Application Data\Microsoft\Templates.

  2. In OOo, select Edit > AutoText (or press Control+F3).

  3. You can create a new category or use one of the standard categories.

To create a new category:

  1. On the AutoText dialog (Figure 3), click the Categories button.


  • On the Edit Categories dialog, type a name for the new category, choose the path to where you want it saved, and click New. The new category now appears in the Selection list in the middle of the dialog.

  • Click OK. to close the Edit Categories dialog and return to the AutoText dialog.

    To import the AutoText:

    1. On the AutoText dialog, select the category into which you will import the AutoText entries. Click AutoText > Import.

    2. In the Open dialog, navigate to and select the desired Word template and click Open. The AutoText entries should now be visible in the left list box of the AutoText dialog.

    3. Click Close.

    Microsoft Office to OpenOffice Migration Guide
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