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Using Samba
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Ironically, the easiest way to test that the smbd server is actually working is to send it a meaningless message and see if it rejects it. Try something like the following:

echo hello | telnet localhost 139

This sends an erroneous but harmless message to smbd. The hello message is important. Don't try telneting to the port and typing just anything; you'll probably just hang your process. hello, however, is generally a harmless message.

server% echo "hello" | telnet localhost 139 

Trying ... 
Connected to localhost. Escape character is '^]'. 
Connection closed by foreign host. 

If you get a "Connected" message followed by a "Connection closed" message, the test was a success. You have an smbd daemon listening on the port and rejecting improper connection messages. On the other hand, if you get "telnet: connect: Connection refused," there is probably no daemon present. Check the logs and go back to Chapter 2.

Regrettably, there isn't an easy test for nmbd. If the telnet test and the netstat test both say that there is an smbd running, there is a good chance that netstat will also be correct about nmbd running.

Using Samba
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