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Using Samba
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The options read only and writeable (or write ok ) are really two ways of saying the same thing, but approached from opposite ends. For example, you can set either of the following options in the [global] section or in an individual share:

read only = yes
writeable = no

If either option is set as shown, data can be read from a share, but cannot be written to it. You might think you would need this option only if you were creating a read-only share. However, note that this read-only behavior is the default action for shares; if you want to be able to write data to a share, you must explicitly specify one of the following options in the configuration file for each share:

read only = no
writeable = yes

Note that if you specify more than one occurrence of either option, Samba will adhere to the last value it encounters for the share.

Using Samba
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