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Using Samba
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4.2.1 The [ globals] Section

The [globals] section appears in virtually every Samba configuration file, even though it is not mandatory to define one. Any option set in this section of the file will apply to all the other shares, as if the contents of the section were copied into the share itself. There is one catch: other sections can list the same option in their section with a new value; this has the effect of overriding the value specified in the [globals] section.

To illustrate this, let's again look at the opening example of the chapter:

	log level = 1 
	max log size = 1000
	guest ok = no
	browseable = no
	map archive = yes
	path = /usr/tmp
	guest ok = yes
	printable = yes
	min print space = 2000
	browseable = yes
	read only = yes
	guest ok = yes
	path = /export/samba/test

In the previous example, if we were going to connect a client to the [test] share, Samba would first read in the [globals] section. At that point, it would set the option guest ok = no as the global default for each share it encounters throughout the configuration file. This includes the [homes] and [printers] shares. When it reads in the [test] share, however, it would then find the configuration option guest ok = yes, and override the default from the [globals] section with the value yes in the context of the [pub] share.

Any option that appears outside of a section (before the first marked section) is also assumed to be a global option.

Using Samba
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