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Server Service Entries


	EnableOplocks   REG_DWORD   0 or 1
	Default: 1 (true)

This specifies whether the server allows clients to use oplocks on files. Oplocks are a significant performance enhancement, but have the potential to cause lost cached data on some networks, particularly WANs.

	MinLinkThroughput   REG_DWORD   0 to infinite bytes per second
	Default: 0

This specifies the minimum link throughput allowed by the server before it disables raw I/O and oplocks for this connection.

	MaxLinkDelay   REG_DWORD   0 to 100,000 seconds
	Default: 60

This specifies the maximum time allowed for a link delay. If delays exceed this number, the server disables raw I/O and oplocks for this connection.

	OplockBreakWait   REG_DWORD   10 to 180 seconds
	Default: 35

This specifies the time that the server waits for a client to respond to an oplock break request. Smaller values can allow detection of crashed clients more quickly but can potentially cause loss of cached data.

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